#m!sam dalton x mc
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Somewhere Else
Book: The Nanny Affair, Book 3
Word Count: ~4730 (I haven't written TNA in a loooong time... I had a lot to say)
Song Inspo: "Paris" by Taylor Swift
Summary: Brynn (MC) reminisces about her whirlwind of a wedding day that was filled with jitters and professions of love.
Warning: a little language; fluff; bits of angst
AN: This is my submission for @moodmusicmonday's the Luck of the Draw! I'm not exactly a Swiftie, but this was so much fun, gleaning inspo from a song I otherwise would never have known! Thank you to whoever sent it, and to my amazing counter-part @sfb123 (who... I don't know if y'all know this, but she has been running MMM for most--if not all--of 2023): thank you for hosting this event, sister! You did a GREAT job!
A/N 2: These characters, some of the plot and even some of the dialogue belong to our friends at Pixelberry! Not truly preread or beta'd, so please excuse my errors!
"... tonight on ET, we have the wedding exclusive of billionaire bachelor Samuel Dalton and his nanny-turned-fiancée Brynn Schuyler–"
The glow of the screen flickers to black before hosting a new picture.
"... I'm here with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Dalton. Seeing your son at the altar like that, tell us –"
The soft click of a button changes to another channel.
"...the two are pictured here before they scurried off to an undisclosed location, some believe they are still here in Mexico–"
He turns off the television before tossing the remote onto the coffee table in our suite. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, running an anxious hand through his thick, chestnut waves. No doubt, he's staring at dozens of missed calls and unanswered texts.
I don't know if it was the turning of the bathroom doorknob, or if he could hear my nervous, labored breathing, but he abruptly stops, dropping his phone as he fixes his hungry gaze to me. A crooked smile forms as he devours me with his dark eyes, the flecks of copper reflecting in the candlelight.
Butterflies evade my belly as I stand before him, wearing nothing but the white shirt from his tux. I fidget with the cuffs of the long sleeves as they keep falling past my hands. I can feel him watching my body, an innocent awe etching across his face.
"I hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt." I blush, averting my eyes as the oversized cotton material slouches off of my sunkissed shoulder, exposing my bare skin. "I don't exactly have anything else–"
"It's perfect," he croons softly. He stalks closer to me, his hands finding mine. "You really think I wanted to see you a moment longer in that dress?" He chuckles, the warmth in his tone exhilarating my senses.
We fall into a comfortable silence, our eyes locked on one another.
We're finally here.
Him. And me. Forever.
Earlier that day
“...So as I look to our… to our–” I pause from my neurotic pacing, glancing down at my notes before quickly darting my eyes away once again. I wrote my wedding vows weeks ago, and had no problem memorizing them. But something about today… something is freaking me out.
“So as I look to our future, I vow to… I vow to, um… Damnit!” I hold up my vows again, but with my clumsy, nervous fingers, I accidentally drop the index cards. “Shit! Shit!” I try to catch them as each one floats into various directions all over the floor, some of them finding their way underneath the furniture of my bridal dressing room suite. With a heavy sigh, I crawl on my knees, attempting to reach the ones that fell under the coffee table.
“Happy wedding day–!”
I jump. The sudden chirp of my best friend's voice causes the back of my skull to meet the glass table with an abrupt thud followed by a tearful groan. "Ow!" I fall forward, my face finding the ornate rug as my fingers shield my now-aching head.
"Brynn!" Jenny panics, seeing my body now splayed on the floor. Aditya helps me up, assisting me to a nearby chaise lounge. Marisol fills a tea towel with ice before applying it to the back of my head with care. Jenny plops down next to me, biting her nail in worry. "What were you doing down there?"
I force a cordial smile, holding up a single note card. "Vows," I mutter, the small gesture making me wince from the surge of pain.
"Ahh! Your vows!" Jenny squeals at a higher decibel than normal. "You're finally a blushing bride! Can you believe it?"
"I… I can't believe it." My eyes widen in shock. I'm trying to match my best friend's enthusiasm, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm missing the bride gene. You know; the one that makes you giggle like a schoolgirl at even the dumbest jokes and cry happy, pretty tears at everything bridal.
Me? I think I'm about to hurl.
Jenny grabs my hand, admiring my engagement ring yet again. I blame her pregnancy hormones, and her desire to be locked down with someone. No doubt, she'd prefer Aditya, but at this point, I think she'll take anyone.
"Mrs. Samuel J. Dalton," Jenny singsongs, letting go of my fingers. She clasps her hands dreamily with a far-off daze in her bronze eyes.
I stare back down at the heavy rock on my finger, my arm growing fatigue under its weight. The glint from the sun catches the cut diamond just right, casting blinding fractals in my eyes. I hiss from the abrupt intrusion of bright light to my vision.
Mrs. Samuel J. Dalton, I repeat to myself. "I'm… I'm getting married," I state matter-of-factly as a catch my reflection in the floor-length mirror. "I'm… getting…" my voice becomes softer, more hoarse as I stand to look closer at myself. "I'm marrying Sam Dalton…" I can't seem to catch my breath as I watch my bridal party pop open a bottle of chilled champagne–and a bottle of sparkling grape juice. My voice grows louder, anxious. And terrified. "I'm marrying Sam Dalton… today!"
"Yes!" Jenny celebrates passing me a flute, "isn't this awesome?" She cheers with my glass before I watch the others lift their drinks in my honor. And everyone seems to freeze, staring at me to say something.
Truth is… I have no words. Oh God, what is happening?
"It's… awesome," I choke out, hoping my bright smile will convince them. And convince me. I quickly down the entire glass.
“I’m so excited for you and Sam," Jenny continues to gloat.
"Me and Sam." I take a deep cleansing breath. Right. Eye on the prize, Brynn. Me and Sam. It's just you and Sam. It's just you… and…
“So how’re you holding up?" Marisol takes a seat on a couch, crossing her legs nonchalantly. "I remember I was an absolute wreck at my wedding. Any pre-wedding jitters?”
Jenny chuckles, waving her hand in the air as if the mention of nerves is preposterous. "Jitters? This gal has been dreaming about this day since she met the hottie."
Aditya snickers. He saunters up close to Jenny, wrapping his arms around her waist before taking a sip of his bubbly drink.
I glance around the room, everyone's attention stuck on me. Damnit, I know I'm the bride and today is about me. But does everyone have to be staring at me like that, like I've given them a new hope in love, that love does conquer all, that Sam and I are their new favorite fairy tale?
"Right, Brynn?" Jenny prompts when I stay silent, nodding her head.
“I… feel like I’ve never been more ready for anything." I take a deep cleansing breath before curling my lips into a bright grin. "No jitters. No doubts.”
Jenny claps her hands, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Then let’s get you to the altar–starting with your dress!”
The dress… my wedding dress… right…
My cell phone rings, the chime breaking us both from the haze of the day. I had put it on Do Not Disturb when we left the ceremony, save for a few numbers. I had a sneaking suspicion of who it was.
And I don't care.
He smirks, nodding over his shoulder. "You gonna get that?"
I step forward, sliding my hands up the firm planes of his chest until I intertwine my fingers behind his neck. I shake my head. "Nothing could be more important than being here with you, being us."
Slipping his arms around my waist, he tenderly presses his forehead to mine. He nuzzles his nose flesh to my skin, eliciting a soft moan from my lips. His mouth is a breath away from discovering my own… when my phone rings again.
He smirks, chuckling at the annoyance and slightly pulling away.
"Damnit," I mutter.
He kisses my temple. "Go ahead," he encourages, "it'll be like ripping off a band-aid." He teasingly spanks my ass. "And then I'll kiss it and make it better."
“Promise?” I snicker, enjoying his hands on me, but reality quickly sets in. My eyes flutter close as my heart begins to pound like a drum in my chest. Just face the music…
I walk over to grab my phone, peering at the screen. I cinch my eyes closed again before swiping to answer the call.
"Oh, thank God!" Jenny shouts through my speaker. "When you weren't answering, I just assumed the worst–"
"Jenny, I–"
"You guys just left," she nervously titters, "no goodbyes or anything. We went to your room, and–"
"Listen, I can't stay long. But everything is okay. Better, actually. And we're safe. We found another place to stay... You know? Get away from the chaos and the press." I chew on the inside of my mouth. "Can you… tell Moma that?"
"Yeah, of course, but Brynny… are you–"
"Jenny, stop. I promise, I will tell you everything when we get back from our trip. Okay?" My best friend doesn't respond right away, and I'm not sure if my answers satisfy her genuine curiosity.
"I… I just want to make sure you're happy."
I look at the beautiful man sitting on the edge of the bed, resting his elbows on his knees. And suddenly, I am overwhelmed with feelings of joy as I see our future play out in front of me. With our kids. The business. With each other. And it all finally seems so perfectly clear.
"Jen," my eyes sting with pricks of tears, "I've never been happier."
Earlier that day…
"Brynn! Brynn!"
Startled, I spin around to see my favorite boys bounding around the foyer. "Whoa, whoa, you guys–" They crash into my arms as I bend down to catch them. I pepper kisses into their handsome curls, breathing in their scent that always feels like home. Gosh, my boys…
Mickey stands tall with his arms behind his back. “Miss Naya told us to give you this!” He pulls out my bouquet of fresh roses, a bountiful collection of gorgeous creams and soft pale pinks. "Tada!"
My breath hitches, taken aback by how absolutely dreamy everything has turned out. This wedding… it… it's really happening. I take the bouquet, the sweet floral notes dancing around me before I turn to look at two pairs of glittering eyes.
"It's almost as pretty as you, Brynn," Mason pushes his glasses up his nose.
"Just like a princess," Mickey chimes in.
“You two look pretty sharp yourselves,” I wink, adjusting Mason’s bowtie before fixing a wayward curl behind Mickey’s ear. "Do you have the rings like we practiced?"
The twins nod their heads in unison, pulling out the velvet boxes. "I promise we won't drop them," Mickey flashes a worried glance.
"Baby," I cup his freckled cheek, "you're going to do just fine." I place my hand on Mason's shoulder. "Both of you."
"Do we have to call you 'Mom' after you marry Dad?" Mason innocently questions.
Mom. The word hits like a brick in the pit of my stomach. I'm going to be someone's mother… not just one person, but I'm going to be a mother of two…
And this is no surprise to me. Afterall, Mickey and Mason are the entire reason I even met this family. I've only known the Daltons for less than a year, and yet, I have been one of the only mother figures in their young lives. When I agreed to marry Sam, it was a package deal.
God, I love them so much. They have given me so much joy, even on days I didn't think I was going to make it. Between the incessant fights and the scandals, these two precious boys have seen me and loved me for me. They were my family long before… well, long before Sam and me…
I can't imagine living a day without a joke or a prank from those two… but being their actual mother? Making sure these two boys grow into successful men?
"Well?" Mickey prompts for an answer to his brother's question.
I pull them both into a tight hug. "You two can call me whatever you want. The most important thing you need to know is I will always be here for you two."
"And Dad," Mickey teases, grinning.
"Right, Brynn?" Mason tugs on my elbow.
"Miss Schuyler," a deep, familiar voice resonates through the waiting area, tearing me from my conversation with the boys. "You are absolutely ravishing, my dear."
"Oh, Mr. Carter, you old dog," I blush as the tall, older gentleman dressed in a neatly pressed tux approaches us. I embrace him tightly as he gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek.
"Well, let me take a look at you," he gleefully laughs, taking me by the hand. He twirls me in a circle, the skirt of my dress flouncing out like a dream. Carter playfully whistles. "Enchanting," he grins, his gray eyes twinkling as his voice grows softer. "You remind me so much of my Evelyn on our wedding day."
My eyes glisten at the mention of his wife. Unfortunately, she couldn't be with us today. Carter says that she has her 'good days and bad days,' I sense the latter outweighs the former, but still the way he speaks of his wife of forty years is precious, the envy of my dreams and future.
I offer him a kind smile, trying to blink back the tears, but I can feel my face begin to flush.
Suddenly, the gentle crescendo of music coming from the chapel notifies us that it's time for the ceremony to start. Carter and I give the boys one more glance, reminding them to walk slowly and to smile. Mickey and Mason hear their cue, and just like we rehearsed, they begin their trek to the altar.
And now... I'm next.
Carter begins to leave to sneak back into his seat, but I grab him by his arm. I start to fidget with the boutonnière on his lapels. "Mr. Carter, I… I… did you maybe… I don't know–"
He takes my hands in his, calming my trembling fingers. "Miss Schuyler, take a deep breath."
I follow his directions, taking a deep gulp of air. "Jitters, right?" I exhale, fanning myself with my hand. "Perfectly normal, right?"
Carter kindly nods, guiding me slowly to the entrance. "When you step in there, find Mr. Dalton's eyes, and you stay focused on them. That's what helped on our wedding day."
"So you were nervous, too?" I glance down the aisle, noticing the twins are halfway to their spots. I quickly step back, my eyes fluttering closed. "And that helped you?"
He curls his lips endearingly. "It helped Evelyn."
"Really?" My eyes widen. "How?
He smirks as he recalls the memory. "We came from different families, you know? And because of that, she was terrified on what was supposed to be the best day of our lives. Seeking the approval of her parents, her family, even some of her friends… It was a lot of pressure on her."
"Gosh, that must've been hard."
"It was," he nods, "but, she said that on that day, she found my eyes… and they said everything that she needed to know."
My heart swoons at the thought. "She saw the love in your eyes?"
Carter coyly shakes his head. He must see my confusion because he gives a deep, hearty laugh. "You are a treasure, Miss Schuyler, just like my Evelyn. A man that loves you will look at you as such, not with greed over what he's getting… but with fear because he sees how much he has to lose; he realizes he would be wrecked, completely devastated without you."
An overwhelming sense of calm washes over me.
Find his eyes…
You are a treasure…
He sees how much he has to lose…
I squeeze Carter's hands, pulling him into one last embrace. "Thank you so much," my voice hitches.
He nods affectionately. "You feel ready?" He helps me adjust my veil.
"Almost." I bite my lip, stifling a mischievous grin. "Mr. Carter, do you mind… walking me down the aisle?"
The most handsome smile sweeps across his face as he buttons the jacket of his tux. With his eyes glittering down at me, he offers me his arm. "It would be my honor."
"Is everyone freaking out?" He chuckles, extending his arm for me to take his hand.
I end the call, tossing my phone across the room. "I… don't care," I snicker. "Probably." Slipping my fingers into his palm, he pulls me to his side, my body crashing into him. We both tumble back onto the bed, our grunts turning into boisterous laughter, filling our room.
As our bellies begin to ache and we quiet down, I roll off of him, laying down next to him. We stare at the ceiling, falling into a comfortable silence… that is until I notice him pointing at the textured surface above us.
"What are you doing?"
He chuckles. "When I was little, I used to dream of traveling the world. I tried using my grandpa's old world atlas to map out the perfect trip, and…" He titters, shaking his head with embarrassment, "I can't believe I'm telling you this."
"No," I roll onto my side, resting my hand on his chest. "I love it–I love this." I kiss his shoulder. "Keep going."
He rests his hand on mine, softly drawing circles with his thumb. "We had old popcorn ceilings," he chuckles, "kinda like this textured stuff, and so… I'd imagine it was my own world map. And at night, I would plan my–" he deepens his voice like the narrator of a movie trailer, "--international escape."
"Ooooo, show me, James Bond."
I start to giggle as he takes my hand in the air with his, his fingers curling around mine to extend my pointer finger. "Well, over here is us right now in Puerto Vallarta… and…" he moves our hands together, "up here is New York." He starts to blush, shrugging his shoulders.
"How about–" I guide our fingers to another spot, "--London?"
He chuckles. "I'll pack my knickers," he jokes in a British accent.
"And then Paris," I move our hands again.
"Oui oui, mon chéri," he jokes in his poor attempt to sound French, making me bust out into more titters. He guides us once more. "How about Venice?" He points to another area on the ceiling, his voice growing softer. "Or Athens? Or Bali? Hong Kong?"
I brush my nose against his stubbled cheek, whispering in his ear. "And then where?"
He turns towards me, the warmth of his chocolate gaze fluttering to my hungry lips as he places my hand back on his chest. "To the moon and stars?" The air around us begins to crackle, the electricity igniting our nerves as I feel my heart begin to race. I bite my lip, feeling a rosy swirl dance across my cheeks. "Anywhere. Somewhere else. With you."
I can feel his heartbeat thrum hard against my fingertips, the excitement feeding my desire for him.
I love him.
His large hand intimately caresses mine… but then he stops, looking down at my fingers. Feeling the abrupt disconnect, I follow his gaze and quickly notice he's fidgeting with something.
My ring.
Earlier that day…
I thought I knew what I wanted for my wedding day, but in this very moment as Pachelbel's Canon in D romantically announces my arrival, I am overcome with so much emotion as I look around the room. This is everything I ever wanted: to be surrounded by love. My breath shutters as I try to blink away my tears. This… this is absolutely perfect.
Carter pats my hand gripping tightly to his arm as he walks me graciously down the aisle. "There he is," he whispers to me, "look at him."
Sam. He's as handsome as ever in his gray suit and petal pink tie. His eyes twinkle, roaming my body as I draw closer to the altar. He offers me that charming Dalton smile, and everything seems to fade away.
It's just you and me, baby… Finally… after everything you put me through– I mean--that we've gone through…
I can do this... I can do this... I can–
Without warning, Sam gradually turns towards his groomsmen. One of his old fraternity brother's has made some kind of comment, causing some of them to crack up. During my procession.
Sam seems to be responding to the joke or comment. He subtly leans over, but after a few seconds, some of the men snicker, covering their faces and Sam chuckles into his fist, feigning a coughing fit.
It's fine, I tell myself.
Getting himself under control, Sam looks back to me with a mischievous glint in his eye before winking at me.
It was just a joke– an inside joke perhaps. Probably to help with his own nerves. It--it's fine. Everything is fine.
Just… stay with me, Sam. Please stay. I need to see your–
The twins lean up against their dad as he rests his hands on their shoulders. Together, they all watch me with doting glances… that is until one of the velvet boxes accidentally falls out of Mickey’s pocket. In a panic, he bends over to grab the small package, carelessly backing into his brother Mason, knocking off his glasses.
Giving me a crooked smile and shrugging his shoulders, Sam takes a knee to help the boys out, causing endearing chuckles from the audience.
Those two rascals…
I begin to admire my little mess of a family-to-be… until the small hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My pulse, without explanation, begins to race as a bead of sweat courses down the slope of my back.
Something doesn't feel right.
I can't help, but feel… as crazy as it sounds, like there's another pair of eyes on me. Of course, I realize I have over two-hundred guests watching me as I finish my march down the aisle, but this? This isn't the same. This stare… it's different. It's piercing, and intimate. And I feel… seen. Exposed. Preyed.
Looking behind Sam's crouched physique, a pair of deep, chestnut eyes feast on my every move. But rather than being filled with adoration or even his typical lust, there's a hint of sadness in them, as if they're watching a funeral procession rather than a wedding.
And for the first time today, my heart flutters as a fire kindles in my belly.
I make it to the altar, Carter placing my petite hand in my groom's grasp. I can feel the desire in Sam's eyes wandering across my body. He gives my fingers a squeeze, giving me another adoring wink… but I can't stop looking at him.
Focus, Brynn. Just focus…
Naya gives us a cordial smile before taking the microphone to begin. "Dearly beloved friends and family, we've gathered here today…"
It's no use. I can feel the bile rise in the back of my throat as the room begins to spin. Is it getting hot in here? Or are there just too many people?
As Naya continues, I look back to those haunting eyes, that look of betrayal, that look of devastation… and Carter's words begin to replay in my mind. 'A man that loves you will look at you… with fear because he sees how much he has to lose; he realizes he would be wrecked… without you."
Oh my God… I never noticed this before but… he loves me.
"... speak now," Naya bellows, "or... forever hold your–"
"Wait!" Fuck! What did I just do? The entire congregation starts to quietly murmur amongst one another. Sam clears his throat, his eyebrows furrowing as he adjusts his collar. "I–I'm sorry to interrupt, but… I just… I have a question, and I…" I sigh. "I can't do this–I can't get married unless… I need the answer."
A hush falls over the room, concerned looks are glued on me.
I should just shut up, and go along with this. Isn't that what I've been doing for the past several months anyway with the promise of a happily ever after? Does fairy tale magically happen after we say, 'I do?'
No. In my heart, I know this is the right thing to do. For me.
"Robin?" More whispers erupt behind me as Sam turns back to look at his best man, a pained confusion etching on his handsome features. "Several weeks ago, we pretended to be the wait staff in a restaurant… to, uh… witness a date." Sam raises an eyebrow, looking between Robin and me. "I asked you a question at the beginning of the night. Do you… do you remember my question?"
Robin coyly pushes his fists into his slacks, nodding his head. He exhales heavily, his nose rosy pink with unshed emotion.
My vision blurs as hot streams pour down my cheeks, but my attention doesn't leave Robin. "You… you answered, 'Sure. Sometimes…'" A lump forms in my throat, my timbre growing hoarse. "Tell me, Robin… if I asked you that same question right now, what–what would your answer be?" I choke out a sob, wiping my face with the back of my hands.
He just stares at me. Lost. Dumbfounded. Embarrassed.
I know this wasn't exactly the most opportune time to talk about this, but I also knew this would be our last time to talk about it. Damnit, maybe I was wrong. Carter was wrong. My jitters and my awful gut feeling… wrong.
I look at Sam, his jaw ticking in anger. And he has every right to be. I've made a fool of him, of us.
But I could've sworn I saw something…
"Sorry, everyone," Sam kindly addresses the audience, "we have a case of the wedding day jitters." He fakes a bright smile, the crowd tittering and cooing. At me. Like I'm a joke. Again. Sam takes my hand, but he refuses to even look at me now.
Will he ever take me seriously? I... I don't want to get married like this.
Sam clears his throat, nodding to Naya to continue. "Let's try this again," she chuckles, "we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of–"
"I lied," Robin blurts out, inviting the chaos to continue amongst the guests. He steps forward, pushing himself in front of Sam. "Brynn, you asked me if I ever thought about us–" Gasps and whispers crescendo in the room as Robin takes my hands into his. "And I told you… what I thought you wanted to hear. I mean, for Christ's sake, you swore you were in love with..." The corner of his mouth curls, his eyes bearing it all before me. "I knew better," he mumbles, falling into nervous titters, squeezing tightly to my fingers. "The truth is… Brynn Schuyler... Hell, of course, I think about us. All of the time. I dream of you as my bride. As my wife. As the mother to my children… I've never stopped thinking about us since the moment I first met you–"
Screams erupt as family members and friends jump to their feet. Naya attempts to holler through her microphone to restore order, but it's too late. Our guests that have come to attend a beautiful, romantic wedding have turned into an ugly, angry mob.
I get lost in the shuffle, unable to recognize anyone around me. My name is being screamed in several directions by several different voices, but it's no use. Terrified, I glance around, looking for a way to safety as everything crumbles around me.
Suddenly, a large hand grabs mine, pulling me through the vocal crowd. As we finally make it to the back of the sanctuary, his lips graze my ear. "Do you trust me?"
A rush of exhilaration floods my veins as my natural smile returns. Are you kidding me? With all my heart.
I nod.
"Don't look back, baby," he chuckles, tucking my arm under his. "Run!"
"Do you mind, Miss Schuyler?" He smirks, grabbing my engagement ring on my hand.
I roll my lips, trying to hide my smile as I tilt my head side-to-side. "Not at all, Mr. Flores. Please."
Robin slips the jewelry off of my finger before pressing his lips to my now bare knuckle. It was so simple, yet the gesture so intimate; I was finally free.
This man…
Pulling me into his arms, he tosses the ring over his shoulder, an abrupt clink hitting the wall. With his handsome crooked smile, he leans towards me. "Don't worry," he chuckles, "I made him buy the insurance."
"Robin!" I squeal before our mouths meet in a tender kiss.
"What?" He pulls back, cupping my cheek. "I had a feeling."
"A feeling?" I snicker, raising an eyebrow. "That it wasn't going to work out?"
"Ehh, more .." He brushes his thumb across my lips, a serious expression growing across his face. "That you were the one. For me."
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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#the nanny affair#the nanny affair book 3#the nanny affair fanfic#choices tna#choices tna book 3#choices tna fanfic#tna fanfic#tna fanfiction#choices tna fanfiction#m!sam dalton#sam dalton#choices sam dalton#m!robin flores#robin flores#choices robin flores#sam dalton x mc#robin flores x mc#mickey dalton#mason dalton
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CFWC F/AtoW: December 22 - 28, 2024

✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️🌈 = LGBTQIA+
A Country Christmas ✒️ | Sawyer Oakley x F!MC - @eadanga
The Christmas Baby ✒️ | M!Cole Stone x F!MC - @eadanga
Forgive Me... 🎨 | Nia Ellarious x F!MC - @erixadraws
Magical Christmas ✒️ | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @eadanga
Proud Mal 🎨 | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @weetlebeetle C: @storyofmychoices
Wonders of the Realms 🎨 | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @wisejazz C: @storyofmychoices
Christmas with The Ortegas ✒️ | Zig Ortega x F!MC - @choiceswithmika
Rin Plushie Doll 🎨 | F!MC - @cadybear420 C: @choicesmc
Evie Pixel Art 🎨 | F!MC - @gmsrrn98 C: @cadybear420
Evie Plushie Doll 🎨 | F!MC - @cadybear420
Mila Plushie Doll 🎨 | F!MC - @cadybear420 C: @lover-also-fighter-also
The Christmas Gift ✒️ | M!Sam Dalton x F!MC - @eadanga
Complete Open Heart F/AtoW List: Dec 22 - 28, 2024
The Bell Still Rings For Me 🎨 | Thomas Hunt x F!MC - ArtbyAinna (IG) C: @theartoflovingthomashunt
A Cordonian Christmas in New York ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @mysticalfangirl
High School Story / The Princess Swap
The Prince Swap (Series) ✒️ | M!OC & M!OC - @lover-also-fighter-also @cadybear420 Chapter 2 Part 2: A Night On The Town
#choices fanfic#choices fanart#playchoices#pixelberry#blades of light and shadow#the royal romance#big sky country#the freshman series#high school story#the billionaire's baby#the nanny affair#red carpet diaries#cfwc fics of the week#cfwc art of the week
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Top 10 works
For @choicesfandomappreciation Top 10 I’ve wanted to list my favorite Top 10 stories. I can’t believe I can even say I have written 10 stories and more to begin with 🥰 Who knew these stories and characters would become so important to me? But I’m glad I took the plunge, sat down and wrote some stories. I hope they can make people smile and make their better at least for a little while.
Thank you to anyone in this family fandom - as I like to call it - who is kind and supportive and gave me and my characters and stories a chance 🩷
1. Wildflower - Keiki Lahela (F!MC) x Koa Haulani (M!OC)
2. Go Blonder - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
3. I‘m a Sucker for You - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
4. Cinnamon Sugar - Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
5. Both are good - Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Raleigh Carrera (M!MC) with @aallotarenunelma 🩷
6. ”How were we ever strangers…“ - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
7. Cake by the Ocean - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
8. Wake Up Little Susie - Chapter 1 - Gretel van Andresen (F!OC) and Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC)
9. Paint Wars - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
10. Girls Night Out - Chapter 1 - What’s the secret password? - Characters involved: Jenny, Emma Anderson (F!MC), Addison Dalton, Sofia Russo, Sam Dalton, Robin Flores and Carter
#choicesfandomappreciation#Top 10 stories#ChoicesFanworksDay#Open Heart#Nightbound#The Nanny Affair#choices stories
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Whew! This playlist has a little bit of EVERYTHING! You're gonna get hyped to party, lost in your own heart-eyes, and then finally tripped up in your angsty-crying feels. It's pretty amazing, and we are so thankful to our writers for sharing their music inspo! So, go ahead! Check it out! Turn it on while you do your day! And don't forget to check out these fics when they come out! Like, comment and reblog these writers! Mention that you love their music inspo!
Dying to read a fic NOW? You're in luck! We have a newly released fic listed below! Look for the 📖, and click on the link!
We love y'all! We will see y'all in June! 🌞
“Dusk Till Dawn” - Zayn ft. Sia; Vancross, Chapter 15: I’ll Be With You (multiple crossover; Liam Rys x f!OC)
“In My Veins” - Andrew Belle; Best Kept Secrets, Chapter 14, Everything Will Change (TRR; Liam Rys x f!OC)
📖 “When You Believe” - Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey; The Life of Riley Book 2, Chapter 8: Garden Party Photo Op [TRR; Liam x Riley]
Back to the Starting Line [OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sawyer Brooks)]
”Hard to Say Goodbye” - Ekali, Illenium “Crash” - Usher
Once, Part 4 & 5 [TNA/OH; m!Sam Dalton, m!Robin Flores, Ethan Ramsey]
“Once” - Maren Morris “Long, Long Time” - Linda Ronstadt “Already Gone” - Sleeping at Last “Just Breathe” - Pearl Jam “Blue” - Sigrid
“Dive” - Ed Sheeran; TBD, Part 3 [OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Tessa Martinez)]
Marabelle, Chapter 5: Lights Out, Beaumont Bash 2 [TRR; Liam Rys x f!OC (Sophie Taylor)]
“Unchained Melody” - the Righteous Brothers “I Gotta Feeling” - Black Eyed Peas
“Pearls” - Samantha Gongol; TBD, a Royal Roulette (TRR; Liam Rys x Riley Brooks-Rys)
“8 Letters” - Why Don’t We; TBD, one-shot [TNA crossover; m!Sam Dalton x f!OC (Caroline Austin); m!LI x f!OC (Caroline Austin)]
#mood music monday#moodmusicmonday#choices mood music monday#choices mmm#spotify#choices fanfic#choices fanfiction#choices music inspo#music inspo#Spotify
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From the host... This was such a fun event! I can't thank our talented creators enough for making SFP such a success! I thought I was simply hosting an event, but rather, I got to chat and get to know know several of y'all, and in turn, you blessed me! Thank you for sharing your gifts and creativity! Hugs all around! 🖤
Please go check out these fics! Give them a like, reblog and/or a comment! You will really make someone's day brighter!
Also, don't forget to check out the stories from the Home Team!
⚾- Fic created with the help of the Concession Stand
🔞 These stories are intended for mature audiences only. 🔞
The First Kiss ⚾ - @twinkleallnight
Location: Domestic, Fun
The Royal Romance; Drake Walker x Olivia Nevrakis
Paint the Night (Colourblind) - @socalwriterbee
Location: Water
The Nanny Affair; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Marie Castro)
We're Still Friends - @txemrn
Location: Work/School
Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tatum Erikson)
Wildflower ⚾ - @peonierose
Location: Domestic
Open Heart; f!MC (Keiki Lahela) x m!OC (Koa Haulani)
Sweet Escape - @socalwriterbee
Location: Work/School
Witness: A Bodyguard Romance; m!Cassian Keane x f!MC/OC (Viviana "Ana" Marin)
Fever - @ofmischiefandmedicine
Location: Water
Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Laura Levchenko)
The Lighthouse ⚾ - @socalwriterbee
Location: Fun, Water
The Royal Romance; Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis
Pearls - @txemrn
Location: Domestic
The Royal Romance; Liam Rys x MC (Riley Brooks-Rys)
Conquest - @the-pale-goddess
Location: Fun
Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Tiffany Addams)
The Long Way Home - @cariantha
Location: Water
Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sawyer Brooks)
Sleepless in New York, Chapter 10: Darkfall - @karahalloway
Location: Domestic
The Royal Romance; Drake Walker x f!OC (Harper Gale)
Ti Amo Molto ⚾ - @tessa-liam
Location: Fun, Water
The Royal Romance; Liam Rys x MC (Riley Brooks-Rys)
A Wild Ride - @kristinamae093
Location: Fun
The Royal Romance; Liam Rys x MC (Riley Brooks)
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Paint the Night (Colourblind)

Choices Book: The Nanny Affair
Characters: Sam Dalton (m!LI) x Marie Castro (MC)
Rating/Warning: Fluff
Summary: After a two week business trip that took Sam away from his family, Sam and Marie enjoy their night together at the family's hideaway.
Base in Play: 1st
Word Count: 1183
Song Inspiration: Colourblind by Ed Sheeran
A/N: Sam deserves some tender moments and I hope this gives him just that. His character can be dirty and also sweet, so this is exploring that sweetness that is Sam Dalton.
A/N 2: This short fic is part of Spring Fever Pitch and will be posted as the first fic to the Songs about You collection.
Characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry
The crackle of yellows and orange from the flames that roared in the fire pit danced in her eyes. She could hear the beating of Sam’s heart with her ear pressed against his chest. A gentle breeze swept through causing her to press herself closer to the warmth of his body.
They were lounging on the outdoor furniture that she had picked out for their backyard deck, overlooking the lake. Marie had made her way up here a day or two after Sam left for a business trip that would last him two weeks as he traveled for meetings in multiple cities.
The stress and tension melted away within hours of arriving to their family hideaway. Marie hiked her bare leg a touch higher around his waist as Sam fingertips drew circles on the exposed skin, his hunter green t-shirt that she liked to steal hanging off her shoulder. His deep inhale then exhale brought a content soft smile to settled on her face.
Sam couldn’t remember the last time he felt like the weight of the world was not hanging on his shoulders. He felt — free. No clashing of bright colors fighting for ones attention, trying to drawing you in. No sirens blaring down the streets, or the horns of cars blaring out or the sounds of footsteps hitting the concert jungle, telling you the city was alive.
Here, right at this moment it was soft ripples of the water, their steady breathing and his heartbeat that felt like it would burst because it finally felt complete. Sam looked down, the dark waves of Marie’s hair, highlighting its different shades as the moonlight cascades down on them until it disappears out into the darkness of the lake and woods.
Once he set foot into the home in the city, he wasted no time in getting out of there. He needed his wife in his arms. The way she connected everything that was missing in his life, was something he could never thank her enough for. So he started with this home, it continued to fill with a vibrance that only Marie and their boys could color.
Leaning down, he brought his lips down to the top of her head and pressed a kiss. A gentle kiss that made Marie look up at him, her eyes locking with his. Not a word being spoken between them, no words could ever truly express how she completed his and their boys lives.
Words were not enough. Sam needed to live in the moment, what he felt radiated from his body to the soft touches on her skin. Deep down he hoped that would be enough right now.
“Sam.” Marie whispers, her gaze looking up at him through her lashes.
No, no words yet.
He pulled her up closer, his stare never leaving hers. Drawing every inch of Marie’s features to memory before his lips brushed against hers, a tease then the soft pressure of his lips on hers.
Reaching up Marie’s hand gripped at the nape of his neck, wanting more then the tenderness of their kiss.
Bursts of colors exploded behind Sam's closed eyes, as their mouths moved against each other, tenderly. It needed to be soft, the fire of desire that always burned between them was being kept at bay.
It had no place here. Not here, not now.
Marie pulled back, breaking their kiss. She could still feel the touch of his lips on hers, swiping her tongue against her bottom lip. “Maybe I should come hide out here more often.” She softly laughs. “I’m rather enjoying this Sam.”
This Sam was carefree, no frown lines, the intensity of his stare that he needed for business had turned to adoration, one she hadn’t seen in some time. This Sam was the opposite of the dominating man that made her quiver at the dark intensity of his gray eyes when they stepped into that club.
This one bright and the other dark. She loved both.
Sam lets out a grunt. “Don’t even think it. I miss you too much for that already.” Brushing his knuckles against her flushed cheeks. “Or you may have a point, I did enjoying this, my wife greeting me at the door in only my shirt and then cooking and dancing barefoot in our kitchen. I could die a happy man.”
“Don’t even think of leaving me, us, Sam Dalton.” Marie says.
He chuckles at the pout she gives him. A push of her hands against his chest, letting her untangle herself from him to get up and walk away, just to stop a few feet away from him.
Watching as Marie wraps her arms around her waist, he sits up his bare feet touching the cool wooden deck.
Sam makes quick soft steps stoping when the front of his body is pressing against Marie’s back. Covering her arms with his, pulling her back into him. “I would never.” His words whisper against her ear. “But we don’t know what tomorrow holds, if I were to leave this world, I would know that I was loved and that I loved completely.”
A shiver spreads through her, unsure if it was Sam’s words, the loss of the heat from the flames or the thought of not having Sam in her life. There was an emptiness that wanted to take over this sweet tender moment but Marie quickly shook those thought away, they had time and she was going to make sure that the four of them, five soon, would live and color this world with everything that they were.
Letting her head fall back onto him, the two of them begin to sway to the music they could only hear.
A deep, desired filled tone peppered her skin…threatening to fulfill its promise. “You know I could always make you get on your knees and crawl, if that is the Sam you prefer.” Sam’s lips press against her ear as he murmurs.
He trails kisses down her neck and across the soft tanned skin of her shoulder. Unwrapping Marie’s hand from herself, he takes his hand in hers and spins her out. Her eyes light up as she laughs without restraint
“As much as I love that Sam, that Sam is painted red and along with it, its many darker shades. This, this right here is a blank canvas that we could color any way we want and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”
She settled back to the place she fit perfectly. Sam pressed his hand on her lower back, closing any space between their bodies. Marie’s hand laced into the hand that held hers, curled in and resting between them. Sam was falling deeper into the dark depths of her eyes with the promise of a kaleidoscope of color that they had here waiting for them in their hideaway.
She smiled up at him and that was all Sam needed to crash his lips to hers, the sweetness of her taste clouding everything around them.
The first stroke of color painting the white canvas, started that night.
event tag: @springfeverpitch
#choices spring fever pitch#spring fever pitch#the nanny affair#choices tna fanfic#choices tna#choices the nanny affair#sam dalton x mc#choices sam dalton#marie castro x sam dalton#songs about you collection
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✨ New Fic! ✨
Wieeee I am super happy that I have finished another project! I'm just trying to maximize the time I have left before my break ends and I head back to my classes for the new semester.
Hope you enjoy this!
Title: I Wanna Love You (But I Don't)
Book: The Nanny Affair, Book 2
Pairing: M!Sam Dalton x MC
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: PG
Type: Standalone/One-fic/Song-fic
Song Inspo: I wanna love you but I don't by Ben Platt
Word Count: ~ 1990
Author's Note: Aha, the title says it all! Anywho, this takes place either at the latter part or after Book 2, where it's the night before the interview Naya mentions to Sam and MC in Chapter 3.
Author’s Note (2): Oh my god, I forgot to add this earlier but you may have seen a recent post of mine for Sunday Six. That post is for this project! I did need to edit some things, but you can still find the original text that I posted last week pretty much integrated into the final work!
Additional Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Brief Mention of Sex
Marina tours around her apartment, checking once more if everything is in order. She spent the entire morning cleaning; starting from her bedroom, she quickly worked her way to the rest of the place. By lunch, the whole looked pristine and spotless. Nothing out of place; everything as it should be.
Going on a cleaning spree isn't anything new for Marina. But whenever weekends had come, when Sam would visit for their weekly date night, she often finds herself wanting everything to be perfect. This has to be perfect, she tells herself, for Sam.
She hears a knock on the door, opening it to find Sam standing in the hallway, watching his face light up at the sight of her.
"Hey," he sighs, his smile brilliant. She notices a shade of pink dusting his cheeks, a tell-tale sign that he is practically enchanted to see the woman, as he always has been. "You look...wow."
Marina returns the smile and the greeting, "you say that every time."
"Because you're beautiful every time," he chuckles before leaning in to press a quick kiss on her lips. She looks into his eyes, charmed by how sweet he is being. She opens the door wider, inviting him in.
They spend the next half-hour eating takeout while talking about what had occurred in the past week. Sam had become swamped with meetings, barely able to catch a breath ever since officially assuming the role of CEO of Dalton-Russo Incorporated.
"But overall, things are going well! I still make sure to spend time with the kids once I get home. I know better now than to go back into drowning myself with work, or the boys will definitely be upset and I'm going to get my ass kicked by you again."
Her eyes grow wide before she throws her head back laughing at the memory. "Nice of you to remember," she remarks, and it was his turn to laugh.
He asks rhetorically, "how can I forget?" She rolls her eyes.
"I'll still kick your ass if you do, you know."
"I know."
They share a knowing smile, the moment slowing down as they enjoy their burger and fries in peace, quiet for a brief moment before Sam inquires about her week.
Marina shrugs.
Taking a sip of her strawberry milkshake, she shares about how she had brunch last Monday with Jenny. And another one last Thursday with her mother and her sister when they visited the city. That was when she notices the crinkle in his forehead as his face slightly falls. She shakes her head, reaching across the table to hold his hand.
"Don't worry," she reassures, "I made them swear that they cannot tell anyone about anything I shared that is related to us."
He nods, thanking her, "but that's not what I mean. You don't seem...particularly happy."
She tilts her head to the side, amused. "It's not that I'm not happy. It's just...that's all I did this week. The rest of the days flew by so quickly, I don't even remember what I did then."
Sam suddenly grows quiet, clearly lost in thought.
"What's wrong?" He chuckles. Squeezing her hand tenderly, he brings it to his lips and presses a kiss on her knuckles.
"I just think that, I don't know, maybe this has something to do with you quitting your job in Dalton Labs? You didn't even look for another job after that."
An ache grows in her chest, his words tugging on her heart. It only feels like a pinch, but enough to make its presence known to Marina.
"Only because I wanted to focus on us first, Sam," she explains. She feels his thumb running across the back of her hand, drawing patterns as he takes in her words. She giggles as if to reassure him.
"How about," her words breaking his reverie as he looks at her, "we get through tomorrow first, yeah?"
Tomorrow, at this time, they will be on live television where they will announce to the world that they are dating. They will share their story, starting from when they met in the Eastern Shore Yacht Club's regatta, up until their most recent public appearance where they spent a couple of nights in Martha's Vineyard with friends. Everyone will cheer for them, everyone will support them. Marina is sure of this.
She has to be, for she had invested so much of herself for the last few months to see their plan succeed.
Sam warms up to the thought, and a smile quickly develops on his lips. "We will get through tomorrow," he promises.
They finish their dinner in peaceful silence.
After clearing the food wrappers into the garbage, they find themselves in the living room, watching the glittering city below their feet. Her back rests against his chest, and his arms wrap around her waist. Sam plants a kiss on the back of her head. Another on the pulse point just below her ear before sighing, his warm breath tickling her skin. She turns to face him, resting her arms on his shoulders and raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing," he answers her silent question, "just thinking about how much I love you. How much you mean to me."
He blushes once more, his cheeks pink and warm. It was a charming sight, and Marina couldn't help but giggle at the adoring way he looks at her.
"Tell me."
"I don't think I can," he confesses, one hand pressing against the small of her back while the other cups her cheek. She melts into his touch, feeling the warmth emanating from his skin as he runs a thumb across her lips.
"Show me, then."
Before she could even finish her sentence, Sam pulls her closer, his lips meeting hers halfway in a fierce kiss that knocks the wind out of her. This surprises Marina, but she quickly relents as she embraces him, hands roaming across his broad back. She breathlessly calls out his name, searching for something as he combs his fingers through her hair. Suddenly, he pulls back, waiting to hear her voice. She pouts playfully.
"Kiss me again."
Smiling, he obliges, kissing deeper and slower. Guiding Marina to the couches, Sam sits on one and pulls her on his lap, staring up at her eyes as if they were the stars in the night sky.
"Can I stay here tonight?"
Marina gives him a funny look. "What about the boys?"
"They're already asleep, so it's not like they're missing me now." He leans up, the space between them closing in.
"And Naya?" she whispers against his lips, "I'm not sure she'll approve of us being together the night before our interview."
"Then I'll leave right before dawn. No one will notice," he vows in an attempt to persuade her. He envelops her hands in his, their fingers intertwined. "Please, Marina" he begs, "let me stay."
She considers, staring back down into him, before getting off his lap and leading him into her bedroom.
The sky had just begun to light up when Sam left, just as he promised.
After a night of passion, a complete and incomparable show of love and devotion, they settled on her bed. They talked about whatever, wide awake so as to not miss any opportunity that to just be themselves. They were in each other's arms, and for a moment, they had a taste of the future that had been waiting for them for almost a year.
The sky now lights up in a hazy shade of blue. The city lights are off, and the streets are quiet. Marina thinks of sleeping, but ultimately decides not to. In a couple of hours, she will be needing to head to Naya's office anyway for last-minute preparations for her and Sam's interview. After picking up her clothes from the floor, she gets dressed and heads out of her bedroom.
She spots a note on the kitchen counter, a message scribbled on the back of a grocery receipt.
Thank you for last night. See you later, I love you. - Sam
"I love you," she repeats as she holds the note between her fingers, the tips brushing against the paper to feel each letter of each word.
She repeats it once, a little louder this time, as if to prove the existence of whatever emotions come from such a statement.
"I love you!" she cries out into the emptiness of her apartment, wanting to feel it swell her heart until she couldn't breathe anymore.
There was much to love about Sam. The way he touches her, electrifying her with lightning that pierced through her skin. The way he smiles at her, brightening her day like the sun during summer. The way he looks at her, worshipping her like she was a goddess and he couldn't help but revere her.
But most importantly, the way he kissed her.
Her fingers find their way to her lips, gently gliding across the rosy skin. Her touch is soft and careful, a ghost of the sensation she recalls feeling when Sam kissed her the night before and earlier before he left.
His kisses are always purposeful, full of conviction and promise, leaving her blushing and flustered by their intensity. His kisses are always passionate, playful, breathtaking; even the softest touch of his lips against hers was enough to sweep her off her feet.
Marina thinks of those memories, small fragments of the past evidencing his love for her. From the very first moment their lips touched, in the kitchen of his penthouse, to the most recent, taking place a couple of hours ago. His kisses hold the story of how he fell in love with her and how he will always fall in love with her.
But nothing blooms in her chest. Nothing comes into mind.
Because the truth is that Marina had grown tired. Tired of everything she had to keep up with for the sake of their cause. Tired of all the parties, all the public appearances. Tired of pretending that the plan was for her and Sam to make their relationship public. It was never that.
The real plan was for the public to deem her worthy of Sam.
It was never them against the world. It's just her against his.
And in the quest of proving her worth, she had become lost in the sea of despair and helplessness, drowning in the waters of quiet compliance and absent-minded acceptance. The life she once knew is now crushed by the expectations placed upon her in proving that she is the perfect woman for Sam Dalton.
All she needs to do is sit still and be pretty, and sit still and be pretty she shall do.
Her mind brings her back to months before, and she reminisces of the love she and Sam shared in total secrecy. When they weren't just hiding from the world, but from Sofia and Robin, from Sam's parents, and even from themselves. When all she was was the boys' nanny while he was her boss who has engaged to someone else.
Somehow, things were easier then. There were more people to hide from, but there wasn't a care in the world. Maybe because they had a legitimate reason to spend time together. No one would suspect a nanny and her boss getting intimate with each other.
Or maybe because the thrill of a secret relationship was there, especially one that had just begun to grow.
Regardless, Marina finds herself clinging onto those moments, when everything was new and exciting. When there wasn't a care in the world because the world didn't know about them yet. When they were freer because they were just themselves, the truest they could be reserved only for each other and for them alone.
There was nothing now, just the ghosts of what she used to feel for him.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I honestly found this super challenging to write because the Lord knows how much I struggle with writing romance :') Nevertheless, I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it!
Have a great day/night, and take care!
~ Issa
🐝 Tagging: (Feel free to message me if you want to be added or removed from this list)
@txemrn @choicesficwriterscreations @peonierose
Shameless Plug: check my first fic here!
#choices#choices stories you play#playchoices#choices fanfic#choices fic#choices fanfiction#choices fic writers creations#fics of the week#the nanny affair#the nanny affair 2#tna#tna 2#choices tna#choices tna 2#choices the nanny affair#tna fic#m!sam dalton x mc#m!sam dalton#tna oc (marina acuña)#romance#angst
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Midnight Adventures
Series/Characters: The Nanny Affair - Mickey Dalton, Mason Dalton,
Disclaimer: Most characters belong to PB, Emma is sort of mine
Other Characters: m!Sam Dalton x MC (Emma Schuyler), Jordan Le (mentioned)
Rating / Warnings: Kid Friendly / very slight implications
Summary: When a perceptive twin realizes their former nanny doesn't like the current nanny, he needs to know why.
Comments/Notes: Written for the @wackydrabbles prompt #106. It will be in bold.
Word count: 470
Mason stumbled back into the bedroom he shared with Mickey. He felt like something wasn’t quite right but he could figure out what. He settled onto the lower bunk and stared at the glow-in-the-dark stickers Emma had helped him place on the underside of Mickey’s bunk last year. He was drifting back to sleep when he had an idea.
“Mickey! Mickey! Wake up!”
“Huh?” Mickey blinked, opening his eyes. “Whuuh?”
“Emma doesn’t like Jordan!” Mason exclaimed.
As Mickey stared at him, Mason continued. “We need to find out why. I heard Jordan telling Dad that he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow morning but he’d be here in time to help us get ready.”
“What are you talking about?”
“We need to search his room!” Mason declared.
Now more awake and always up for an adventure, Mickey agreed and dropped down from the top bunk. The boys crept down the hall towards Jordan’s room. Just as Mickey touched the handle Mason yelled, “Wait!”
“Shhhh! You’re gonna get us busted! What now?” Mickey said, trying to keep his voice down and only moderately succeeding.
“Maybe he decided to come home.”
“Then we’ll tell him you want a drink of water.”
As Mason reached for the door again, Mason yelled when another door opened down the hall. “Water!”
Both boys turned to face Sam, who stood in the doorway of his bedroom, fully dressed. At the same time both boys tried to explain.
“Mason wanted a glass of -”
“Mickey was thirst-”
They both were silenced when Emma stepped out next to Sam and pushed her hand through her messy hair.
“Why are you still here, Emma?” Mickey asked her.
As Emma and Sam glanced at each other, Mason asked. “To help Dad watch us since Jordan is out?”
Sam cleared his throat. “Yes. But now I need to drive Emma home. We’ll get you back to bed and if you need anything while I’m gone, ask Carter. But call me first.”
As they proceeded to the boys’ room Emma directed them towards the kitchen. She grabbed two glasses and filled them with water from the dispenser in the refrigerator door and handed them to the boys. They looked at each other, then remembered why they claimed to be out of bed.
“Thank you, Emma,” they chorused, taking the glasses and drinking.
Once the boys were tucked in, and Sam and Emma were stepping into the elevator she leaned against the wall and sighed. “That was close.” As Sam agreed with her, another thought crossed her mind.
“Sam, the boys are able to conduct science experiments on their own. We’ve both supervised them cleaning up the kitchen. They should have been able to get a simple glass of water.”
Sam nodded in agreement. “So the real question is, what were they really up to?”

@choicesficwriterscreations @wackydrabbles
Perma - @adiehardfan @chemist-ana @forallthatitsworth @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @kalinahonore @liaromancewriter @mia143 @schnitzelbutterfingers @shewillreadyou @txemrn
The Nanny Affair - @kat-tia801 @sfb123
#wacky drabbles#choices fic writers creations#fic of the week#cfwc fic of the week#the nanny affair fanfic#tna twins#mason dalton#mickey dalton#m!sam dalton x mc#sam x emma
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Dishonorably Disrobed
a TNA One-Shot
Book: The Nanny Affair, Book 3
Pairings: m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler); m!Robin Flores x Sofia Russo; Mason Dalton Sr. x Vivian Dalton (lol)
Word Count: ~2500
Summary: This is a very loose canon origin story based out of Chapter 20 (the finale!); after the airline loses some important luggage, Best Man Robin does everything in his power to make sure the wedding day isn't ruined for the happy couple... although mix-ups do happen. May contain minor SPOILERS of the finale.
Warning: 🔞 Mature Audiences Only 🔞; language; crude humor about sex and anatomy; brief mention of otherwise illegal activity
AN: This is a submission for @choicesflashfics, using prompt #3: “That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?” The prompt will be in bold.
A/N 2: Gosh, I already miss TNA... and I miss writing for TNA! I might need to make that a resolution for 2023. 😋 This idea was born from several conversations with a few of my sweet nanny-loving friends... and our natural reactions to Sam's honeymoon "outfit" (pic of said outfit at the end). As always, the characters and some of the storyline are borrowed from our friends at Pixelberry. This is not pre-read or beta'd, so please forgive my errors!
"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position…"
Ensuring that both of his twin sons were prepared for landing, Sam Dalton finds himself staring adoringly at his bride-to-be, who is already helping them buckle their seat belts.
"Is this going to be scary, Brynn?" Mason asks, his words drenched with concern.
"You've been on planes before, Mase," the former nanny slinks her fingers into his hand as he grips tightly.
"Yeah, but never this plane," he scrunches his eyebrows. "What if they land differently, or–or crash?"
"Buddy," Sam chimes in, "we're not going to crash. Plus Brynn and I are right here with you–"
"And they won't let anything happen to us," Mickey smiles, taking his brother's other hand.
"You know?" Brynn winks at Sam before turning her attention to her future stepsons. "That's a great idea, Mick; let's all hold hands."
As the young Dalton family hold each other tightly, the airplane begins to subtly quiver as it begins the descent.
"Are we there yet?" Mason whimpers.
"Almost," Brynn squeezes his hand.
With a final thud and a sudden lurch forward, the plane is finally safe on the tarmac, making its way to the proper terminal.
"Did you close your eyes, Mason?" Mickey asks.
"J-just for a second," his brother pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"I didn't," Mickey beams, "that's because I'm brave–"
Brynn wraps an arm around Mason. "I had to close my eyes, too," she grins. Turning her attention to Sam, "and I do believe your father closed his eyes for a minute."
"What?" The twins shout in unison, Brynn covering her amusement.
"I did not," Sam ruffles the boys' curly hair. "I was just… napping."
The boys bust out with joyous laughter as their father jokingly shifts his eyes, feigning embarrassment.
"But you know what, Mickey?" Brynn announces as everyone's snickers calm down. "You're right. You are brave, but," she pauses for a moment, draping an arm around Mason's shoulders, "so is this guy right here!"
"That's right!" Sam holds up his hand for a high-five from Mason. "You did it, buddy!"
Mickey twists his face before finally nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." He playfully puts his brother in a headlock before continuing. "Good job, little bro!" He titters.
Suddenly the aircraft pulls to a gentle stop while a loud chime plays over the loudspeaker followed by the captain's voice.
"¡Bienvenidos, Puerto Vallarta, México!"
Sam smiles in excitement as he looks to his fiancée, then to his kids. "Who's ready for some fun?"
"Me!" The boys squeal together.
"Dalton family of four," Sam pulls out his phone, huddling everyone together for a selfie. "On the count of three, say, 'Wedding'! One… two… three!"
Sam, Brynn and the twins are shuttled to the hotel where they are met outside by Robin.
"Hey there, best man," Brynn giggles, planting a chaste kiss on his stubbled cheek. "Have you and Sof already been sightseeing?"
Robin combs his fingers through his hair, offering a sympathetic grin. "Eh, not exactly."
Tipping the driver and waving him on, Sam turns his attention to his brother. "Something wrong?"
"Well," Robin collects a few pieces of luggage, corralling the family to head towards their rooms. "Yes and no–"
Sam and Brynn stop, giving each other nervous expressions.
"--but everything is fixable," he assures with a hopeful grin. "We just need to decide fast on what we are going to do."
"Oh, there you are!" Sofia walks up as she's ending a phone call, grazing her slender fingers against Robin's chest. "Good news. There are a few places down in the city that can expedite alterations for Saturday."
"Alterations?" Sam raises an eyebrow.
"Saturday? As in, for the wedding?" Brynn questions.
"Oh," Sofia clenches her teeth as she glances at Robin, "you haven't told them?"
"If you'd give me a chance, dear," he glares at the blonde before turning back to the engaged couple. "They lost Dad's bag."
"Oh no," Sam exclaims. "I guess he doesn't have his clothes then. Has he talked with the airlines?"
"He's practically been on the phone with them since we arrived last night," Sofia nods.
"But Sam," Robin sighs, "this wasn't a bag of Dad's clothes. It was the bag with all of the wedding day accessories for the guys."
Robin nods. "Remember? The vests, ties, suspenders, shoes–"
“What?” Brynn snaps. "Why did you pack them together?" Brynn tries to show restraint in her irritation.
"It sounded like a good idea at the time," Sam whispers, shrugging. "We figured... we would be less likely to lose something if everything just stayed together."
"Well, now you've lost everything!" Brynn bites back.
Okay, Brynn, that's a little melodramatic, don't you think? Take a breath.
She clears her throat, fixing a fake smile to her lips. "Please," she sighs, "just make this right."
Thursday and Friday came with no avail. Brynn was fairly upset about the situation, but Sam, Robin and Sofia made haste in finding replacements for everything while Jenny tried distracting her with various tourist outings.
Unfortunately, nothing matched the aesthetic; the originals were custom designed for this specific wedding. But, Brynn vowed a long time ago that she would never turn into a "bridezilla," and truthfully, she was grateful for everyone pitching in to make something work for her special day.
Luckily, Robin was able to work his magic charm, and around 2:30 on Saturday morning, he received a call that the luggage was found, and could be picked up from a claims center at a smaller airport just outside the city limits.
Several hours later, he was walking through the front doors of the resort with his father's luggage in tow. He was hoping to drop it off at the older Dalton's room before returning to his own for a small nap before the wedding.
As he waits for an elevator, he hears a familiar, husky voice.
Robin glances over to see his parents getting off a lift, hand-in-hand. Stepping towards them, he offers a tired, crooked smile before kissing his mother's cheek. "Hey, Pops, hey, Moma."
"Robbie," Vivian starts, "what are you doing up so--?"
Mason Sr. gasps. "Is that my missing luggage?" Robin brings it forward, showcasing it like a trophy. "Samuel and his nanny will be so excited to see that."
"Here, sweetie," Vivian grabs the bag, "we'll take this up to our room and have it all steamed, okay?"
"Really? You don't mind?"
"Not at all. I've got it." Vivian cups Robin's face, stroking his cheek with her thumb as she lowers her voice. "Now go get some sleep."
Robin appreciatively nods his head as he catches an elevator going up to his floor. He slinks into his room, completely exhausted from his all-night endeavor.
He shrugs off his clothes before sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling out his phone. He sends off a quick text to Sam.
Happy Wedding day... again. Left you a surprise in Mom & Dad's room for tonight.
Sending off the message, two lean arms suddenly slither around his shoulders, pawing at the hardened physique of his chest.
"About time, Mr. Flores," she purrs into his ear. "Did you get the bag?"
"Mhmm," he hums.
She sighs with content. “I'm so proud of you,” she breathes against his skin.
The corner of Robin's mouth curls as he tenderly grabs her dainty hands, pressing them to his heart. "Sof," he exhales. He lays his head onto her arm, inhaling deeply her sweet scent before peppering her arm with delicate kisses.
"C’mon," she giggles, "come to bed, baby.”
Several hours later, Sam hurries down to Robin's room to thank him for the strings he pulled to fix the wedding disaster. But, he was met with Sofia instead.
"He's still asleep, but I will make sure he's awake within the hour."
Sam nods, "Thanks, Sofia." He begins to turn on his heel, but stops himself, facing back for his ex-fiancée. "And thank you. For everything you've done to make today special."
Sofia raises her perfectly plucked eye before fixing a cheshire grin to her face. "Don't go soft on me now�� Boo Bear," she sardonically chuckles, crossing her arms as she walks back into her room.
Sam snickers under his breath, shaking his head.
"Oh!" She stops the door from closing behind her. "Robin got you a special present for–" she clears her throat, "--tonight. It was something in that bag. I just thought I'd remind you to grab it. No telling what it is with his buffoonery."
"Oh, yeah," Sam nods, "he mentioned it in his text. I'll grab it." He begins to head down the corridor. "See you in a bit."
With his parents away, getting pampered with massages before the ceremony, Sam was given badge access to their room.
He slides open their closet door, and relief fills his heart. Hanging up and perfectly pressed are his and Robin's vests, their ties along with the boys' suits and accessories. He also found his shoes, perfectly polished.
Overjoyed, he shoots Jenny a text message to let Brynn know that everything is perfect.
He begins to collect all of the items when he remembers Robin's gift.
Where is it? Would it be wrapped?
Sam glances cautiously around the room. He checks the closet again, discovering only one thing left inside, hanging up towards the back.
Did he get me something to wear?
The satin garment is pearlesque white with a very nuptial vibe. Sam pulls it off the rack and instantly feels the intricate detailing of embroidery on the lapels.
It's a robe.
But for me?
He takes off his shirt, and slips it on, instantly charmed with the soft-feel against his skin.
This is nice–like, really nice.
He steps in front of a floor-length mirror, taking in the sight. It was shorter than a typical men's housecoat, hitting him on his upper thigh with three-quarter length, kimono-style sleeves with more filigree stitching. He cinches the robe together, giving himself a good look-over. Chuckling to himself, he starts dancing, swaying his hips back and forth before finger-gunning his reflection.
He notices the garment has pockets, one of which seems to have a matching pair of boxers hidden inside. He holds them up, curiously flipping them back and forth.
These look awfully small. Where does… everything even go?
Removing the robe all together, Sam is very much touched by the sentiments and appreciates his stylish brother wanting to make his wedding night more special.
He pulls out his phone and texts Robin.
Tonight is going to be even more special. Thanks.
The wedding went off without a hitch. It was beautiful, elegant and romantic, like something out of a fairy tale. The bride was exquisite, and the groom was completely enamored, unable to take his eyes off of his beloved.
Early the next morning, Robin and Sofia walk hand-in-hand down the main hallway when suddenly, Sam's door opens.
"Oh!" Sam exclaims, adjusting his embroidered satin robe upon seeing them. "Hey, you two." He places his arm on the doorframe, leaning against it casually with a smirk.
Sofia presses her lips together, stifling her laughter as Robin's face contorts with pain.
Suddenly feeling insecure, Sam lowers his arm, pulling the lapels closer together to cover his chest. He clears his throat, "Everything… okay?"
"Sam," Robin leans in, lowering his voice. "The fuck are you wearing, bro?"
“Wh–what do you mean?” Sam's large chestnut eyes dart back and forth between his brother and his ex-fiancée. "The robe?… am I not wearing it right?"
"Uh, you could say that. You shouldn't be wearing it at all." Robin covers his mouth as he stares at Sam's appearance. "And she still fucked you? Wearing this?"
"Stop it, Robin," Sofia slaps his shoulder, turning her attention back to Sam. "Men wearing women's lingerie is a very common kink," she winks.
"Oh, but this?" Sam looks down at the robe. "This isn't women's lingerie–"
"Oh, Sam," she condescendingly snickers, "yes, it very much is. I actually have it in red. And those?" She briefly glances down at his tight underwear. "Definitely women's boyshorts." She leans in closely, lowering her voice. "By the way, your meat and two veg are hanging out."
Horrified, Sam instantly pulls the material right around his hips, covering the front of his pelvis. "Robin!" He huffs. "Why did you even get this for me?"
"Me?" Robin blows a raspberry with his lips. "I actually have taste outside of my mouth, Sammy. I would never buy that for myself... or any other man, for that matter."
"You said you got me a surprise for my wedding night!"
Robin nods. "Right?"
"I even texted you about it, thanking you–"
Robin scoffs. "You were thanking me, your brother, for women's lingerie for you to wear… on your wedding night?"
"What part about that seems normal, Sam?" Robin interrupts.
"Jesus, I have not had enough coffee for this," Sofia mumbles.
"So then… what was my gift?"
"Dude," Robin crosses his arms, "we're in fucking Mexico. I got you some fun shit: 150-proof tequila, some psychedelics, and–" he slaps his brother on the back, "El Rápido pills."
"El Rápido pills?"
"Yeah, you know," Robin rolls his eyes. "They give you the most powerful erection ever known to man--I swear your dick grows, like, two inches. You could probably give a black eye with that thing alone." He winks, clicking his tongue. "But the orgasms... Shit, you could literally shoot a rocket to the moon–"
"It is pretty amazing," Sofia chimes in nonchalantly, picking at her nails.
"Well," Sam looks at the floor in confusion, "if I'm wearing a woman's robe and panties, I wonder if anyone opened your actual gift–"
All of their heads abruptly turn to see Vivian Dalton slowly making her way down the long hallway. She waddles carefully, stutter-stepping and occasionally having to stop with a brief wince of discomfort flashing across her face.
"Mom?" Sam calls out.
"Are you okay?" Robin steps forward, taking her by the arm to steady her gait.
"I'm fine," she wiggles in uncertainty. "Your father however…um, well," she sighs, her voice falling quiet, "we need to go to the ER."
"What?" Sam exclaims.
"Why?" Sofia's eyes grow wide.
"I think your father… took something."
"Took something… like what?" Robin inquires.
Vivian takes a deep breath, looking her children in their eyes. "Now, you boys are grown adults… and you should know that your father and I still love each other very, very much. And we like to express that love physically –"
"Stop," Sofia cringes. "Why is all of this happening before coffee?"
Robin and Sam look at each other puzzled.
And then it hits them.
"El Rápido pills…"
"Your father, well, he's had… quite the appetite." She shifts her weight, her face flinching from an unseen ache.
"And now, his, um, appetite doesn't seem to want to… go away," she nervously chuckles.
"Goddamnit, Robin…" Sam mutters, glaring at his brother. "I swear–"
"Um, Samuel dear?" Vivian interrupts the banter. "Why are you wearing my robe? And are those… my unmentionables?"

Tags (list updates 9/26; if you would like to be added or removed, please let me know!):
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@annfg8 @bisexualdisasteracd @rookiemartin @sfb123
#the nanny affair#the nanny affair fanfic#choices the nanny affair#choices tna#choices fanfic#choices tna fanfiction#the nanny affair book 3#tna book 3#choices stories you play#sam dalton#m!sam dalton#sam dalton x mc#m!sam dalton x mc#robin flores#m!robin flores#robin flores x sofia russo#sofia russo#tna wedding#tna sam#sam x mc
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CFWC F/AtoW: Sep 29 - Oct 5, 2024

✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️🌈 = LGBTQIA+
Die With A Smile 🎨 | Aerin Valleros x F!Human!MC - @erixadraws
My home was never a place 🎨 | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @wisejazz C: @storyofmychoices
Nia & Raya 🎨 | Nia Ellarious & F!Human!MC - @erixadraws
Orc Encounters a Girl ✒️ | F!MC & F!OC - @rosesnink
Falling For You ✒️🔥 | M!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Thomas Coleman 🎨 | M!OC - @cashweasel C: @rosesnink
Vandelez 🎨🏳🌈 | Martin Vaderwall x NB!MC - @angrybbuing C: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Breakfast in Bed ✒️ | M!Sam Dalton x F!MC - @eadanga
Bound by Fate (Series) ✒️ | Multiple Characters - @ladylamrian Chapter 7: Brother
Royal Fae Wedding in Lamrian 🎨 | Nik Ryder x F!MC - @pilitella C: @ladylamrian
Vera Reimonenq 🎨 | Vera Reimonenq - @lilyoffandoms
Complete Open Heart F/AtoW List: Sep 29 - Oct 5, 2024
A Game of Love (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!OC - @kristinamae093 Chapter 1: Crown Chapter 2: Sisters
High School Story / Princess Swap
The Prince Swap (Series) ✒️ | M!MC & M!MC - @lover-also-fighter-also, @cadybear420 Chapter 1: Worlds Collide
#choices fanfic#choices fanart#playchoices#pixelberry#cfwc fics of the week#cfwc art of the week#blades of light and shadow#crimes of passion#desire and decorum#nightbound#laws of attraction#the royal romance#open heart#high school story#the nanny affair
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🌸 I saw @jerzwriter come up with this cool idea, so I’m borrowing your idea Els 🥰
I'd like to try and write short stories. Sometimes writing short stories helps me get unstuck on a bigger project and it helps me cope with others things I’m going through. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love some word prompts for any of the following pairings (list is below the cut):
Open Heart
🩷 Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela
🩷 Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
🩷 Keiki Lahela (F!MC) x Koa Haulani (M!OC)
🩷 Hayley Valentine-Ramsey (F!MC) x Ethan Ramsey (M!MC)
(Friendship / Platonic)
🩷 Luna and friends
🩷 Bryce and friends
🩷 Maxine and friends
🩷 Keiki and friends
Crimes of Passion
❤️ Rose De Luca (F!MC) x Trystan Thorne (M!MC)
(Friendship / Platonic)
❤️ Rose and friends
❤️ Trystan and friends
The Nanny Affair
🩷 Emma Dalton (F!MC) x Sam Dalton (M!MC)
🩷 Addison Dalton (F!MC) x Robin Flores (M!MC)
(Friendship / Platonic )
💜 Emma and friends
💜 Sam and friends
💜 Addison and friends
💜 Robin and friends
🩵 Grey (M!OC) x Gretel van Andresen (F!OC)
(Friendship / Platonic)
🩵 Grey & friends
🩵 Gretel, Hänsel and friends
Immortal Desires
❤️ Naya Reese (F!MC) x Gabriel Adalhard (M!MC)
(Friendship / Platonic)
❤️ Naya Reese and friends
❤️ Gabriel Adalhard and friends
❤️ Cas Harlow and friends
Here‘s how it works:
🌸 Send me an ask (not a DM or comment) - it can be anon
🌸 Name 2 characters, pick from romantic or friendship/platonic ones I mentioned
🌸 Give me a 2 word prompt
For example: Luna x Bryce; sunshine and ice cream
Thank you so much 🩷
#my pairings#let the writing begin#🌸🌸🌸🌸#open heart#Luna x Bryce#Maxine x Adam#Keiki x Koa#Hayley x Ethan#crimes of passion#Rose x Trystan#the nanny affair#Emma x Adam#Addison x Robin#nightbound#Grey x Gretel#immortal desires#Naya x Gabriel
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Luck of the Draw 2023 MASTERLIST
It's HERE! It's finally here, and we are THRILLED to share this Masterlist! Our fandom is so creative, and we know, this is just a fraction of the talent we possess. To our creators: Y'ALL ARE AMAZING! These turned out so incredibly good, and we can't thank you enough for participating in this year's event! We love each of you dearly!
Please check out the playlist of submitted songs, and don't forget to check out the submissions below the cut! There is something there for EVERYONE... seriously! And when you check these out, support these creators! Leave them a like or a message of encouragement! It would mean the world to them!
*We are waiting on just a couple of more submissions. We will add you on when we receive your submission.
📚📖 Fanfics & Poetry 📖📚
Almost submitted by @socalwriterbee
Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tessa Martinez)
"Unfinished Business (acoustic)" by Neriah, JC Stewart
Always Lover submitted by @peonyblossom
America's Most Eligible; Carson Stewart x f!MC (Juliet James)
"Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzie
The Commoner's Wife, Chapter 6: Three Blind Mice; submitted by @dcbbw
The Royal Romance/Heir; Liam Rys x f!MC (Riley), Drake Walker x f!MC (Riley)
"Just Say When" by Nothing More
Falling For You submitted by @queenrileyrose
The Royal Romance; MC (Riley) x ??? (former); Liam Rys x MC (Riley)
"Freaking My Out" by Ava Max
If Only I Could submitted by @cariantha
Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sawyer Brooks)
"The Enemy" by Andrew Belle
Right by Your Side submitted by @alj4890
The Royal Romance; Maxwell Beaumont x MC (Riley)
"Runaway" by P!nk
Somewhere Else submitted by @txemrn
The Nanny Affair; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler); m!Robin Flores x MC (Brynn Schuyler)
"Paris" by Taylor Swift
WTD Drabble submitted by @lilyoffandoms
Wake the Dead; Troy Hassan x m!MC (Saeed)
"Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion
🖌🎨 Moodboards & Edits 🎨🖌
If Only... submitted by @twinkleallnight
The Royal Romance; Liam Rys & Queen Eleanor
"Hollow as a Bone" - Cowboy Junkies
"Moral of the Story" by Ashe submitted by @tessa-liam
Rules of Engagement
Viva Las Vegas submitted by @peonierose
Open Heart; Soraya Auclair (F!OC) x Meilani Leahi (F!OC)
"More Than Words" by Extreme
#luck of the draw#mood music monday#choices luck of the draw#mmm luck of the draw#mmm lotd#lotd#choices mood music monday#luck of the draw masterlist#Spotify
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Sunday Six
Thank for the tag @txemrn !
I have a little something for the Spring Fever Pitch Event. All three Fics cover one, two or all bases, you'll have to wait and see. Heck I'm trying to go for the cycle and touch all bases. One fic for each base.
Here is a little something something for Six Sentence Sunday!
Paint the Night (Colourblind): The Nanny Affair, Sam Dalton (m!MC) x Marie Castro MC)
She settled back to the place she fit perfectly. Sam pressed his hand on her lower back, closing any space between their bodies. Marie’s hand laced into the hand that held hers, curled in and resting between them.
Sam was falling deeper into the dark depths of her eyes with the promise of a kaleidoscope of color that they had here waiting for them in their hideaway.
She smiled up at him and that was all Sam needed to crash his lips to hers, the sweetness of her taste clouding everything around them.
The first stroke of color painting the white canvas, started that night.
The Lighthouse: The Royal Romance, Olivia Nevrakis x Maxwell Beaumont
“Please.” I beg.
I swear I could feel, if not hear him smile. That wicked smile he gets when he has me, Olivia Nevrakis, The Duchess of Lythikos on my knees, at his mercy. Never did I think this would ever happen, me at the mercy of a man.
Especially this man.
Maxwell Beaumont.
Sweatin': Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x Tessa Martinez (MC)
Ethan wraps his arm behind my back, bringing my body into his. His other hand gripping the nape of my neck and a faint press of his lips pressing against the pulse at the base. The feeling of Ethan’s tongue licking his lips faint against my heated skin, a moan escaping past my lips.
A long drag of his nose against my hyper aware skin as he inhales. “Jasmine, citrus and —.” Ethan pauses.
His hand that was resting around my waist, moving lower as he cups the full rounds of my ass, giving it a hard squeeze. “An…and what Ethan?”
#six sentence sunday#choices open heart#the nanny affair#choices the royal romance#spring fever pitch#ethan ramsey#choices sam dalton
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Ghost of You (Happy Birthday, Em!)
Book: The Nanny Affair
Pairing: M!Sam Dalton x MC (Anna)
Summary: In the TNA scene we were all waiting for, but never received, Sam comes face to face with an uninvited guest at the Dalton-Russo holiday party.
Rating: PG (Adult language and lots of angst)
Word Count: 1,791
A/N 1: Today is the birthday of one of my favorite people on the planet, @txemrn. I went through a couple of ideas, but none of them quite worked. Then, I decided to come back to this fic that I had started a while back. It was perfect for a couple of reasons:
We found each other, and started our friendship over TNA.
It's angsty, and my homie loves some good angst!
Em, my dawg, my sister in emo, where do I even start? You are such an incredible friend, and I am so very lucky to have you in my life. You always have, and always will be my favorite cheerleader. I will never be able to express to you how much your love and support means to me. You push me to be more creative with all your crazy ideas, and I love that you always ask me to tag along with them.
Please don't ever forget what an amazing person you are, and how much you mean to so many of us. And you are an incredible writer (you know, like burn your grilled cheese good). I know you're my Kris Jenner, but today, for your birthday, I'm going to Uno Reverse you:
A/N 2: I am participating in this week's @choicesflashfics. I chose Prompt #2: "You just don't seem like yourself tonight." The prompt is in bold below.
A/N 3: Thank you to @charlotteg234 for listening to me bitch about my lack of creativity and ideas during the whole process. And thank you to @ao719 for also listening to me bitch, and for pre-reading this.
“Anna, guess what! We just saw the craziest thing...” Mickey called as he and Mason charged toward their future step-mother.
Both boys froze in their tracks when the woman Anna had been speaking with came into view. Mason’s jaw dropped, and Mickey’s eyes went wide. Neither were quite sure how to receive the woman before them.
“Boys… I’ve missed you.” The woman said gently. Anna took a step closer to the twins.
“Mom?!” Mason gasped.
Anna’s eyes went wide as surrounding heads began to turn. “Wait… but I thought… you’re…” she stuttered, trying to process the information.
“I’m so sorry it had to come out this way, Anna. But yes, I’m Addison Dalton.”
“Boys, come on. We need to go find your dad.” Anna placed a protective hand on each of their shoulders.
“Anna, what’s happening?” Mason asked, looking between the two women.
“Yeah, I thought our mom died?” Mickey added.
Addison stepped forward and smiled before kneeling down to meet their eyes. “It’s a long story, but I’m here, and I’m not ever going to leave you two again.”
“Come on boys. Now.” Anna’s tone was stern, as more partygoers started turning their attention to the scene that was playing out.
“Anna, what’s going on? I heard you from the other…” Sam stopped short at Anna’s side, his expression mirroring that of Mickey and Mason’s when they saw Addison.
“Hello, Sam.” Addison greeted him.
“Addison?” Sam’s voice was barely a whisper as he locked eyes with the woman he thought he had lost five years ago.
As Sam continued to stand there, speechless, Anna wrapped her arms around the boys, pulling them close to her as her eyes flitted between Sam and his wife.
Sam’s wife. Just minutes ago, they had been celebrating their engagement. He was moaning her name. Now he was standing there, face to face with the woman who had held his heart, and his name, before her.
“Anna,” Sam’s voice pulled her from her thoughts. “Take the boys, find Carter, and meet me in the car.”
“But Sam, they’re my boys too and I haven’t seen them-”“Stop.” Sam cut Addison off, just as Mason Senior was approaching.
“What is going on over here?” Mason asked. “Addison?” He gasped once he noticed the blonde standing there.
“Anna, go.” Sam commanded, his eyes never leaving Addison’s. Anna quickly ushered the boys out of the room. “Who are you?”
“Sam, it’s me.” Addison responded, reaching out and placing her hand on his shoulder.
He instantly jerked back, away from her touch. “You can’t be. Addison is dead.”
“All right, that’s enough.” Mason interjected. “We don’t need to do this in front of an audience.” He ushered Sam and Addison out of the ballroom and into a small conference room, Vivian following close behind.
“Now, what is the meaning of all of this?” Mason stood with his arms folded.
“Mason, Vivian… Sam,” Addison started. “I know this seems completely insane, and I promise I will explain everything. But I’m here because I want my family back.”
Sam was pacing the room, trying to make sense of this. Addison was dead, he had identified her body, buried her, raised their children on his own. It was impossible for her to be standing here right now. Wasn’t it?
“Sam?” Addison’s voice was soft as she attempted to approach him again. He held his hand up to stop her.
“This doesn’t make sense. None of this makes any sense.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked around the room. “I can’t do this. I have to go.” Sam stormed out of the room without another word.
“Samuel, wait!” Vivian chased after him, grabbing his arm to stop him. “Are you alright? You just don’t seem like yourself tonight.”
Sam’s head snapped back to look at his mother. “Of course I’m not alright, mom! Can you really blame me?”
“I know, I know.” She placed her hands on his shoulders. “You just take Anna and the boys and go home. We’ll call the lawyers to get this all sorted out.” Sam nodded in understanding. “And why don’t you four go up to the cabin for the rest of the boys’ break, Get away from the inevitable media circus for a bit.”
“Yeah, yeah that’s a good idea. Thanks, mom.” Sam leaned down, kissing his mother on the cheek.
“You call us if you need anything, Sam.” He nodded and made his way out to the car.
Anna was sitting in the back of the limo, trying to field Mason and Mickey’s questions about their mother’s sudden reappearance, while also trying to make sense of it for herself. Suddenly, the car door opened and Sam slid into his seat, dropping his head back on to the headrest and letting out a loud breath. Anna knocked on the divider, signaling to Carter that they were ready to leave.
They rode back to the penthouse in silence, Sam watched the scenery go by as he tried to process everything that had happened. The boys shared worried glances before looking up at Anna. She looked down at them, smiling softly. She knew that no matter what she was feeling about Addison’s return, this moment was so much harder for the three men in her life. She had to be there for them right now, she would worry about herself later.
When they returned to the apartment, Sam went straight to his office, closing the door behind him, leaving Anna and the boys in the living room.
“Guys, why don’t you go get ready for bed. I’ll be there in a minute to say goodnight.”
“But Anna…” Mickey whined.
She knew they had a lot of questions, but she didn’t have any answers. She also wasn’t sure it was her place.
“Please Mickey.” She pleaded.
He nodded and followed Mason to their room, leaving Anna alone with her thoughts. She knew she needed to talk to Sam, but she needed to get the boys in bed first.
Sam closed the office door behind him and walked straight to his bar cart, pouring a glass of scotch, which he immediately brought to his lips and swallowed. He poured a second before stepping up to the floor to ceiling window and staring out at the city lights. His mind raced with one question after the next.
He was buried so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the soft knocking at the door. He continued to stare out the window, not actually looking at anything.
“Sam?” Anna’s soft tone finally brought him back to the moment. He turned and watched his fiance of only a few hours approach.
“Did the boys get to bed alright?” The question fell from Sam’s mouth without even thinking.
“Yeah,” she nodded. “I mean, as well as can be expected. They have a lot of questions.”
Sam let out a humorless laugh. They weren’t the only ones.
“Are you alright?” Anna asked, placing her hand on Sam’s shoulder.
He turned away, finishing his second drink and leaving the glass on the bar cart. “I don’t know.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know.”
“What are you going to tell the boys?”
“I don’t know.”
“What --”
“Anna, I don’t know! Alright?” Sam yelled, causing Anna to flinch and step back.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice was small as she tried holding back her own emotions.
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. “No, I’m sorry Anna, I didn’t mean to take it out on you.” He stepped up to her, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.
“No, I know.” She responded. “I didn’t mean to be pushy, I just want to help you.”
Sam pulled back, running his hand over his face. “I know you do, and I appreciate it. I just need to try to wrap my head around all of this.”
Silence fell over the room as Anna watched Sam collapse onto the sofa, running his hand over his face. She knew what a toll this was taking on him and the twins, yet selfishly, all she was wondering was what this would mean for her future with Sam.
“I’m going to go home.” Anna finally broke the silence.
She stepped toward Sam, but his eyes were trained on the floor in front of him. He didn’t even acknowledge her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before redirecting and walking out into the hallway. The sound of his office door closing brought Sam out of his trance, he looked around and realized Anna had left. He jumped up from his seat and hurried after her.
“Anna, wait!” Sam called for her as she stepped onto the elevator.
He made it to the doors just as they were closing, throwing his arm between them. He stood at the threshold, preventing them from closing again. She looked up at him curiously.
“I’m taking the boys to my parent’s cabin tomorrow. When this gets out to the press, they’re going to be all over us. I want to keep the boys away from all that for as long as possible.”
Anna nodded solemnly. “Okay.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. “We can talk when you get back… if you want.”
“Come with us.” Her eyes went wide at his invitation. He reached out and took her hand in his. “They’re going to be all over you too.” She looked down, and he used his free hand to lift her gaze back to his. “Please?”
She looked into his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity and hope. “Sure, yeah, I’ll come.” He smiled, tugging on their joined hands to get her off the elevator. She pulled back, removing her hand from his. “I’ll need to go home and pack.”
“Right, of course.” Sam backed away, placing his arm against the elevator door. “I’ll see you in the morning then?”
“I’ll be here.” She assured, leaning forward and kissing him softly on the cheek. “I love you, Sam.”
He let out a sigh as he lowered his arm, allowing the door to begin to close. “I love you too.”
Sam remained rooted in place as the door closed and the elevator began its descent. His mind raced with all of the things that he now had to figure out. There were so many people that were going to expect explanations, the press, his parents, the boys, Anna; but before he could provide those, he would need some of his own. Why was she back? How was she back? What did she want?
After all these years, he was finally ready to move forward, but before he could he would have to face his past.
@3pawandme @busywoman @charlotteg234 @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @gryffindordaughterofathena @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @i-am-only-here-for-sims-cc @imashybish @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @nikirennie87 @princessleac1 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @secretaryunpaid @sincerelyella @theroyalheirshadowhunter @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn
#choices#play choices#choices stories you play#the nanny affair#tna#choices the nanny affair#choices tna#tna sam#m!sam dalton#tna m!sam#sam x mc#m!sam x mc#tna fanfic#tna fanfiction#tna fandom#tna fan fiction
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Okay! So we know Sofia used to call Sam boo-bear, so, what if Brynn jokingly called him that? What would be his reaction?
Hey, girl, hey! Did you think I forgot about this Ask? 🤪
First of all, thank you so much for sending it! *major hugs* 💜 It was so thoughtful!
I hope you don't mind, but your Ask was just too friggin delicious! Like, the devil on my shoulder and I giggled with glee! So, I turned it into a prompt, and oh boy... we got silly. Enjoy! 🤣
Book: TNA
Word Count: ~6340
Warning: N*FW (🍋--please don't get excited; cringe-worthy smut); profanity; innuendos and sexual content and sexual manipulation
A/N: These characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry. Big ol' thank you hug to the lovely @kat-tia801 for pre-giggling pre-reading this silliness for me. GO TEAM! Also, thank you, @ao719, for helping me with some brainstorming snags!
Skyscrapers pierce through the sunrays of the noonday sky, casting shifting shadows on the crowded streets of New York. The bustle of the lunch mob has a distinct sound; she can hear it perfectly with her gray, inquisitive eyes, smirking as she recognizes the panged faces of overworked employees. Although the black town car cancels out the actual nuisance of the busy street noise, Brynn Schuyler is subject to her own deafening show: her boyfriend’s twin sons.
"--and if the chef cuts the fish wrong, and you eat it--" Mickey wraps his hands around his neck, moaning in pain while his body falls limp in his seatbelt.
"Nuh-uh,” Mason fires back at his brother, though not entirely convinced of his own answer.
“It’s true!” Mickey insists, crawling onto his knees to face Mason. “I saw it on TV. If you eat the wrong part of a fish, you’ll die.” He shifts his eyes around the car, “Like, right away.”
“Knock it off, Mickey!” Wrinkling his brows, Mason shoves his brother back into his seat with a loud thud. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever–!”
“Boys!” Brynn scolds. “Mason, we don’t say words like that! Mickey, quit antagonizing your brother–”
“But it’s true, Brynn,” Mickey whines. “Tell him that eating fish can kill you.”
Brynn smirks, squinting her eyes thoughtfully at the seven-year-old. She lovingly smooths out the collar to his polo shirt, trying to make sense of where he heard such a claim. “Mick, I don’t know about that–”
“It was on TV! There are these chefs from Japan and they have to go to a special school and their test is eating the fish they cook–”
“Oh!” Brynn’s eyes grow wide in realization as Mickey speaks with passionate conviction. “You’re talking about one kind of fish–oh, what’s it called? Hrmm–” she taps her lips, trying to remember the alternate name “Oh! It’s that pufferfish! Um…fugu!”
The twin boys instantly stop their pleas, staring in shock at what their father’s girlfriend just said to them. “Dad won’t let us say that word,” nervously informs Mason.
“Wait a minute, what word?” questions a perplexed Brynn.
Mickey cups his hand around his mouth, leaning towards her. “The f-word.”
Brynn lets out a hearty chuckle. “Oh boys, no,” she titters, “that’s not–”
“Yeah huh,” Mickey eagerly interrupts, turning to talk conspiratorially to his brother, “but sometimes when he’s really mad, Dad says it–”
“Oh! Like the other night with Brynn? In his bedroom?” Whispers Mason back to Mickey.
“Say what?” Her jaw drops in horror. Surely she is not hearing what she thinks she is hearing.
A flash of guilt pours over Mason’s face as he meekly adjusts his glasses on his nose. “We could hear you, “--he swallows thickly, “--screaming that word. And then Dad would scream it, and then you would scream it back at him again–”
“And sometimes you scream it at the same time as Dad,” fills in Mickey. “Sometimes you sound really sad, like you’ve been crying. Sometimes you sound like you're laughing–”
“You guys hear all that?” Brynn abruptly interjects the boys, a queasy sensation overcoming her stomach. She and Sam had been so careful, so clever and stealthy with their insatiable private life–or so she thought. She shakes her head. “I mean, um–” she stops the twins before they can answer her previous question. “You know? Your father is exactly right. You should never, ever say that word–”
“Then why are you and Dad allowed to say it?” Innocently questions Mickey.
Feeling her cheeks flush, Brynn looks to the family’s driver Carter, their eyes meeting in his rearview mirror. Stifling a chuckle, he offers a shrug with a knowing wink, making her face burn deep scarlet. She finally fumbles out an answer in hopes to change the subject. “Listen, if you ever hear us saying, ya’know, that word, it means something serious is happening that is private and only for adults. Capiche?” The boys turn to one another, shrugging their shoulders before bobbing their heads up and down in agreement. Brynn never felt so relieved to hear pure silence.
Finally at their destination, the boys eagerly bounce out of their seats onto the busy sidewalk, taking special note to stay close to Brynn. “Thanks, Carter,” she leans against his window, giving him money. “Go get you some lunch–something good. We shouldn’t be too long.” With an endearing smile, Carter tips his cap and slowly rejoins traffic. As Brynn waves goodbye, her attention falls back on the boys.
“You guys ready to--?” Brynn suddenly cuts herself off when she notices the less than thrilled looks from the twins. "Oh c’mon, you two. What's with the pouty faces?"
“Why are we at Dad's job?” whines Mickey, crossing his arms. “I thought you said we were going to the park."
"We are, silly!” Brynn snickers into a sigh.
The twins slouch their shoulders. “It’s so boring here, and Dad never has time to play when we’re here,” sadly states Mickey.
Brynn squats down to his level, gingerly cupping his cheek and stroking it with her thumb. She wraps her other arm around Mason's shoulders, pulling him securely to her side. “You two know how busy your dad is at work. But, who comes home and plays with you every night?” The boys slowly grin in understanding. “And who gets a Daddy Day once a week where they get to do anything with their father? No business calls, no meetings, none of the icky boring adult stuff?” Both of the boys begin to giggle, their cheeks pinking with joy.
“We are just making a quick stop here, and then–” she raises an eyebrow, “-- it’s off to show you two who can go the highest on the swings!”
“Uh-uh!” Squeals Mason.
“No way!” Mickey playfully sticks out his tongue.
Brynn chuckles, hugging the boys tight against her. She combs her fingers through each of their long, chestnut curls. “So, the sooner we get done here,” she holds out her hand for Mason to take it, “the sooner we can go do what we want to do. Sound good?” Mickey dutifully takes Brynn’s other hand, nodding his head in unison with his brother. They begin to proceed through the massive multitude of people on the street.
“Will we see Dad at all?” shouts Mason.
“Probably not,” she pulls the boys closer. “Your Uncle Robin needed a favor.”
“Mr. Flores, you’re needed in sector 4B.”
Robin lets out a hefty exhale as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He reaches across his wooden desk, pressing the answer button to his intercom. “Sheila? I thought we talked about this. I am not available until further notice, until I’m–” he stumbles over his words, “--um, more presentable to the public.”
Ending the call, Robin quickly cuts off the overhead light to his office so that no one would attempt to disturb him. He anxiously paces back and forth in his office, carefully avoiding the glass door which has no privacy screen or curtain. He already pulled the blinds to his window-enclosed room to block out prying eyes; plus he canceled his full afternoon of meetings. But, how would he get home like this? He is relying on his brother’s girlfriend to show up with the answer. And soon.
Sitting in the dark at his computer, he pulls out his cell phone to contact Brynn. Was she able to get into his apartment building? Did she find the right keys? Did she find what he was looking for?
His intercom buzzes again. “Mr. Flores?”
Robin sighs, trying not to be irritated with his secretary. It wasn’t her fault he is in this predicament. He answers the call. “Yes, Sheila?”
“I apologize for disturbing you again, sir, but I forgot to tell you that Ms. Schuyler arrived a little while ago, and she’s en route to your–”
“She’s on her way?” Robin interrupts with urgency, jumping from his chair. He hadn’t thought this far into his plan, but he at least wanted to be prepared for when Brynn walked into his office. “Thanks, Sheila!” He frantically ends the call. He turns to his left, then to his right, looking for something, anything to cover up his current state. He grabs the trash can off the floor as he continues to spin in a circle, searching for a better option when suddenly he discovers he forgot to lock the deadbolt to his office.
The glass door swings open. “Go on in, boys–” Brynn’s voice echoes in from the hallway, directing the twins into the room.
“But why is it so dark in here?” Innocently asks Mason, tripping over his own feet into the light-less room.
Robin freezes, holding the trashcan in front of his hips as a sweltering blush creeps across his cheeks. He slowly swallows, forcing a charming grin to mask his terrified face. “You made it!” He chuckles, attempting to act like everything is normal.
“Hey, Robin,” Brynn hesitantly greets, only able to make out his figure. She runs her hand along the wall, looking for the light switch. “Dude,” she snickers, “why is it so dark in here–?”
“No, Brynn!” Robin shouts, dropping the waste basket to reach out to stop her. “Don’t flip on the–”
As the lights hum to life, Brynn twirls around to inspect the commotion Robin is creating. As her eyes adjust to the fluorescent lighting of his office, she smiles brightly to greet him–that is until her face drops in horror.
And she screams.“Oh, God!” Her expression becomes more pained, more disgusted. “Oh my God!” Brynn cinches her eyes tightly closed before covering her eyes with her hands.
“No-no-no-no!” Robin rapid fires the word from his tongue. “It’s not what you think–!”
Thinking on her toes, Brynn turns the lights back off as she sweetly calls to the boys. “Guys, I need you to do me a favor and wait outside. This will be quick.” The twins nod obediently and exit through the office door.
“Brynn, I–?”
“Robin! Where the fuck are your pants?”
“Listen, I–?”
“And for the love of all that is holy, why is that thing so happy right now?” Brynn peeks through her fingers to casually look under Robin’s desk, fully expecting to see someone.
“No, there’s no one under there,” sternly answers Robin. Clearly unhappy, he crosses his arms, glaring at his brother’s girlfriend.
“Christ, Robin, your seven-year-old nephews were just in here–hell! You knew I was coming up here! Could you have given me just an inkling of a warning that the pants were for, um, were for–?” She extends her arms, her hands motioning towards the bulge in his boxer briefs.
“Oh! And do tell: how do you suspect that conversation would’ve gone, sweetie?” He glowers at her. He holds his hand up like a telephone to his ear before speaking in a husky voice. “Hey, Brynn, I have a massive hard on that I can’t seem to get rid of. Could’ya bring me some pants?” He heightens his voice, pretending to be more dainty and feminine as he bats his eyelashes. “Oh, Robin, I’d love to bring you some trousers to fit your humongous–”
“Stop!” Brynn holds up her hand, closing her eyes. “Point taken. Can you fill me in now?”
Robin holds out his hand. “Sweats please.” He looks away from Brynn, refusing to look her in the eye. “I’m not going to explain myself until I cover up.” She hands him the pair of sweatpants, hastily turning her back so he can slip them over his bare legs and full erection. “You know? This is Sam’s fault.” Raising an eyebrow, Brynn whips around, but remains speechless.,”Yeah, your precious boyfriend, who knew I had several important meetings this afternoon, slipped something in my coffee, and now–” Robin sighs, leaning in to whisper, “Robin Junior won’t go down. And now my slacks are too tight.” He huffs. “Did you know a dick can chafe, Brynn? Did you?” His voice quietly strains..
“H–Hold–Hold on.” Brynn waves her hands to interrupt. “How do you know it was Sam?”
Robin leans up against his desk with a smug-look on his face. “Because when I asked him, the fucker texted me this.” He grabs his phone to open his text message from Sam. “See?”
Brynn squints her eyes, perplexed by the picture. “What is that? Are those chess pieces?”
“Yeah,” he points to the game pieces in the picture: a queen with a turned over king. “This is called checkmate, meaning the king cannot escape. Sammy’s claiming that he’s won.”
Brynn furrows her eyebrows in confusion. “Won what?” She spends a moment in silence, thinking about what all this could mean–that is until suddenly, it dons on her. “Fucking-A,” she gurmbles, glaring at her good friend. “Are you two still being assholes to each other–?”
Robin clears his throat, becoming serious. “It’s called a prank war. We’ve been doing this off-and-on since we were fifteen. It’s perfectly harmless,” he abruptly feels the ache in his boxers, making him wince. “Well, at least it was.”
“Harmless my ass,” Brynn sardonically chuckles, “you dyed his hair that sewage green color last week! You knew he had that huge client presentation.”
“Yeah, well–,” Robin quiets his snickers while pointing to his forehead, “--it was only after he shaved off my eyebrows!”
“Cool!” Mickey peeks into the room, commenting on what he was hearing.
“Mick!” Brynn snaps her fingers. “Out!” She points to the door as Mickey slinks back to the hallway. She turns her attention back to her boyfriend’s half-brother. “You both have got to stop this prank war business. It has gotten way out of hand, and look,” she motions to the door. “You aren’t setting a good example for the boys.”
“Yeah,” Robin groans, combing his fingers through his hair before dragging them down his face. A tender, sorrowful look of remorse crosses his face., “I know, I know. You’re right. I guess a man should know when he’s been beaten.” They endearingly smile at one another.
“Well, I have a special date with two handsome Dalton men,” she grins sweetly, grabbing her tote bag. “Um–” she glances down at Robin’s bulge, “Should I maybe, um, take you somewhere to get that fixed?”
“Oh?” Robin hopefully rocks his hips forward while shoving his hands into his pockets. “And, um–” he drags his teeth across his bottom lip, taking in Brynn’s entire physique, “what did you have in mind?”
Brynn wrinkles up her nose, backing up towards the door to leave. “I think you can take care of that yourself. Just next time, lock the door,” she winks.
“Wait a minute,” Robin jogs up next to her to stop her. “I’m curious,” he hushes his voice, “does Sam have to take, um… does he need help getting enhanced?”
“Wow,” Brynn blushes, grabbing a piece of gum from her bag “so many lines have been crossed today–”
“I’m just curious as to where perfect Sammy got a pill like that,” Robin teases, holding back a laugh.
“Fucking grow up, Robin.”
“So then you and Sam–?”
Brynn sighs, taking the bait as she removes the silver wrapping to her gum. “Best sex ever,” she purposefully gloats. “Oh, and Robin?”
“He has no problem getting it up,” Brynn seductively places the gum in her mouth, letting the tip of her tongue pull it in deeper, “Or down,” she purrs.
“Oh God,” Robin mutters, a look of disgust crawling across his face.
Tickled by his reaction, Brynn puts on her oversized, tortoise-shell sunglasses and heads for the door.
“That can only mean one thing,” Robin calls out, his hands resting in his pockets. “He’s got you–oh God!”
Brynn stops, whirling around hastily. “He’s got me what–?”
Robin rubs his cheek, bewildered. “Wow, I never would’ve picked you out as someone who’d enjoy doing that–”
“What?” Brynn interjects. “What are you even talking about, Flores? What does Sam have me doing?” She takes a step closer. “Enjoying what exactly–?”
“Hey, I’m not one to judge,” Robin throws up his hands in defense, feigning innocence. “I mean, I always try anything at least twice: once to try it, and then again to confirm it wasn't just a fluke." He smirks while Brynn rolls her eyes. "I’m just saying it surprises me–”
“For Christ’s sake,” Brynn bites. “What are you even talking about?”
Robin sighs, looking suspiciously to the door to ensure the twins were still out of earshot. He then leans back against his desk, folding his hands together. “Alright,” he clicks his tongue, “baby talk.”
Brynn titters. "Did you just say--?" She tumbles into a fit of laughter, cupping both of her hands over her mouth.
“Okay, fine, nevermind,” Robin waves his hand to dismiss her as he walks back around his desk to take a seat.
“I’m sorry,” Brynn continues to chuckle in between her words, “I just–I just– that is the most preposterous thing I’ve ever heard. I can almost see the look on Sam’s face if I started baby-talking to him. He would hate that!”
Robin pulls out a few file folders refusing to make eye contact with Brynn.
Brynn quickly settles down as she watches Robin intently. “He would hate that,” a sudden worried look splashes across her face, “wouldn’t he?”
Robin shuffles around some papers, flashing a quick glance to Brynn. “Mhmm, whatever you say.” He raises his eyebrows as if to mock her. “You’re the girlfriend,” he sasses under his breath.
Brynn purses her lips together, her eyes wander about the room in search of a comeback, but nothing clever comes to her mind. Irritated, she grabs her purse and stomps towards the door. Grabbing the handle, she stops, taking a few deep breaths. She finally blows a raspberry with her lips. “Nice try, Flores.”
“Suit yourself, Schuyler,” he spouts nonchalantly, busying himself with his documents. “It’s just–no, nevermind.”
Brynn slowly turns around, focusing her attention on Robin. She crosses her arms, popping out her hip. “Okay. Fine. Spit it out.”
Robin finds a stopping point in his work, before finally lounging back in his office chair. He exhales loudly as he tucks his hands behind his head. “Think about it: do you really think Sam would let a woman call him ‘Boo-Bear’?”
Brynn shutters. “No–I mean, yes–I mean–” she lets out a heavy breath in frustration. She nervously chews on the side of her mouth. “I figured he was just being nice, and didn’t want to hurt her feelings–”
“Brynny, let me shoot it to you straight,” Robin rests his hands flat on the desk, becoming very serious. “There is nothing sexy about ‘Boo-Bear’--nothing. Being called that will make any guy lose a hard-on in 2.4 seconds–” he leans in collusively towards Brynn, “Unless the man gets off to that kind of talk.”
“Oh, please–”
“I’m serious.” His eyes shift around the room. “Sofia called him ‘Boo-Bear’. What did Addy call him? ‘Boo-Bear’. Adriana Lima? ‘Boo-Bear’. His little publicity stunt with Kelsey Kardashian–”
“Wait, Kelsey Kardashian?” Brynn uses her fingers, counting out the Kardashian sisters. “Who’s Kelsey?”
“Oh,” Robin waves his hand. “We were trying to land this deal with this firm out in LA several years back, and well, long story short, Dad and Sammy thought dating a Kardashian would promote the Dalton image.”
“Yeah, but Kelsey?”
“Turns out the only Kardashian Sam could snag was their cousin Kelsey who acts as a Kim impersonator on the strip. They lasted for a few weeks.” He settles back into his chair. “Now Kourtney and I? We go back–”
“You?” Brynn nearly chokes on her gum. “You and Kourtney Kardashian?”
“Hey, you forget: I’m best friends with the Lord.” Robin smugly grins as if that means something life-altering to Brynn; but when her forehead crinkles, he rolls his eyes. “Lord Disick!”
“Jesus Christ–”
“Wrong Lord,” he wags his finger. “Lord Scott Disick. I introduced him and Kourtney–I mean, after I sampled the goods–”
“Are we done here or–?”
“Okay--okay, the point I’m trying to make, Brynny dear, is that even Kelsey Kardashian was calling him ‘Boo Bear’.” He clasps his hands together, the tips of his pointer fingers pressed to one another, thoughtfully placed against his upper lip. “It’s just a matter of time–”
“No,” Brynn shakes her head. “Sam’s not into baby talk. He–He can’t be. He’s not.” She opens the glass door to exit his office.
“Hey, I’m just looking out for you, if you’re wanting to really spice things up and maybe even surprise him–”
“Goodbye, Flores.”
Later that evening after the twins had been put to bed, Robin’s words continue to rattle around furiously in Brynn’s head. One of the best things about her intimate relationship with Sam is the vulnerability they share with one another. As their relationship deepens, their desire for pleasing one another reaches new highs in the form of new experiences. But this? Dirty talk is no problem for them; the twins made that quite clear this afternoon. But baby talk? Is that considered role-playing? Is she seriously considering this? Can she even bring herself to say those two, bone-chilling words: boo-bear?
She fixes her eyes on Sam, as he silently finishes his late dinner. Baby talk, she smirks to herself. That gorgeous man is into cutesy voices and rhyming words? Brynn mindlessly chews on her cuticles, her attention fixated on her boyfriend. She should talk to him first, right? But, if it turns him on, how much more turned on would he be that she took the initiative?
Unaware of how lost she is in her thoughts, her face contorts with concern. The wrinkles on her forehead deepen with each sigh of disdain. The edges of her mouth begin to fall into a pensive frown.
“Babe?” Sam gently breaks her from her reverie. “Is everything okay?”
Brynn’s cheeks flush. “Yeah,” she fibs into a soft titter. “I–I’m fine,” she grins.
Raising an eyebrow, he fixes his eyes on Brynn as he finishes his bite. “What are you thinking?”
Well, no time like the present, she motivates herself.
A devious look washes over Brynn, her eyes darkening with lust as she stands up from her seat. Watching him casually lick his bottom lip. Brynn slowly struts to Sam’s side, his attention mesmerized by the sway of her curves. She places her hands on his shoulders, steadying herself as she straddles his lap. She runs her fingers through his waves, tugging at the nape of his neck. His eyes flutter close, leaning into her touch.
“What do you think I’m thinking, Sammy Bear?”
Sam curiously smolders at the heated woman before him. Caressing her skin wantonly, his strong, outstretched hands wander down the slope of her back until firmly gripping the fullness of her ass. Eliciting a playful gasp, he captures her bottom lip with his mouth, his tongue pleading for hers. Standing up away from the table, she locks her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck. Tearing away from his lusty pout, Brynn bats her eyelashes. “Time to go nighty-night?”
Sam chuckles, spanking Brynn’s bottom. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” He swiftly carries her into the bedroom, locking the door.
Holy shit. This is working. She hastily unbuttons his shirt, pulling it off his rugged shoulders before staring in awe. “Oh, Sammy Bear,” she giggles, “are you my big, gwo-wing boy?” She begins to drag her hand down the taut musculature of his chest–that is until he suddenly grasps her hand. Crap! Too far…
She looks up to Sam, her stormy-blue eyes darting between his darkened eyes and inviting plump pout. She tries to slow down her racing heartbeat, but Brynn quickly grows breathless as he brings her hand to his mouth. His tender kisses against her knuckles quickly turn to his lips parting, his mouth hungry for more of her. He takes in her pointer and middle finger, the tip of his tongue flicking them apart as he slides his tongue back and forth between them.
Her breath hitches in her chest, making Sam lustfully chuckle with a sinister grin. Pulling her fingers out, his voice grows deeper, more gravelly. “Wanna feel your big, growing boy?” Guiding her with his grip, he slips her hand down his slacks, wrapping her hand around his firm girth. Her soft touch buckles his knees, her lips crashing perfectly into his. He moans into her, her hand stroking his hard cock, draping her two licked fingers casually around each pump of her arm.
“Fuck, Brynn,” he exhales. He attempts to roll his head back, but Brynn sinks her teeth into his bottom lip, her fingers grasping stronger, her thumb intimately circling his tip. “Brynn, fuck– it’s–fuck, I can’t–I’m gonna–I’m gonna–” Without warning, Sam spills into his own ecstasy, panting heavily to catch his breath. Brynn tenderly massages him through his release, her lips pressed against his neck and jaw. Sam’s guttural groans and growls tease her into her own heightened senses.
“Did Sammy Bear enjoy his widdle play time?” She nibbles on his ear.
“Mhmm,” he moans, lacing his fingers through his tousled waves. Gripping her hair tightly, Sam exposes her neck, and begins to feast fervently on the delicate skin.
The tickle of his tongue sends her into a titter of snickers. That was so fast! I cannot believe that fucking worked. Sam Dalton? Into baby talk?
Suddenly, Brynn is pushed back, tumbling carelessly into the bed. “Someone’s been a very naughty girl,” whispers Sam, crawling on top of her body to claim her lips again. Lifting up her dress, he fingers glide up her smooth thighs. “Mmmm, a very naughty girl,” he murmurs as he slides his fingers into her wet, lacy panties.
Sam slips to the side of her body, his eyes bouncing from Brynn’s doting eyes to his own ministrations of taking off her undergarments. Slipping off her red thong, he sniffs them ferally before tossing them to the floor. “Well, well, Miss, Schuyler, what have we here?” He teases as his hands ravenously take hold of her bare ass. With the sound of her pleasurable gasp, Sam slips off the bed, falling to his knees.
With his fingertips digging into her skin, he lifts her pelvis closer to himself, burying his face in between her saturated lips. Lapping at her slick desire, Sam traces his mouth up her slit, hovering over her most sensitive of areas.
“Ohhh,” she breathlessly whimpers, her toes curling against his shoulders. “Someone’s a hung-wee widdle bear,” she exhales gravelly.
For a brief moment, Sam glances up, raising an eyebrow at his lover. He’s never heard her talk like this before, but despite this atypical behavior, he takes pleasure in hearing her come undone. And if this new peculiar way of expressing herself is what she wants, then he’s more than happy to play along.
Brynn softly calls out to him. “Please don’t stop, baby,” she moans. “Your mouthy-wouthy feels so good on my kitty–” she singsongs into another hum of pleasure. As she writhes for his touch, he takes hold of her again with his mouth.
Feeling the sudden rhythmic strokes of his lithe tongue around her clit, Brynn cradles his head between her thighs. With the arch of her back, her breathing turns to panting as she grips the sheets of the bed.
With his plump lips, Sam engulfs her pulsating center, sucking her into his mouth, his teeth grazing her exactly where she wants to be touched. With each wave of pleasure threatening to wreck her into complete ecstasy, Brynn quickly spirals undone.
“Yes, God!” She groans, bucking her hips into Sam. “Right–oh God, yes, there, yes! Don’t–stop–God, I’m going to–I’m going to—” Suddenly arching her back, Brynn succumbs to her own pleasure, pouring over her trembling body. Her eyes cinch tightly closed as her head tosses back and forth with each magnetized jolt of euphoria through her body. Sam intently twirls his tongue around her pulsating center, helping her finish completely.
Hearing her breathing slow down, Sam gently kisses her thighs before tenderly tracing a path up her belly. Finally, he rests his head between her clothed breasts.
Instinctively, Brynn cradles Sam’s head in her arms, casually combing his waves, the feel of her nails sending chills down his spine. This was incredible, she praises herself. And we’re not done yet, she jokes..
Sam closes his chocolate brown eyes, the rhythm of her heartbeat lulls him into total relaxation. “I love you, baby.”
Filled with confidence over her success with the baby talk, Brynn breathes out a joyous sigh of relief, hugging tightly to Sam. “I love you, too, Boo-Bear.”
Sams’ body grows rigid. With a scoff, he slips off of Brynn.
“Baby?” She opens her eyes, wondering what happened. “Where are you going–?”
“Are you fucking kidding me, Brynn?” Sam snarls.
Brynn sits up, leaning back on her arms. “Baby?” Confusion spreads across her face as she watches the look of putrid disgust plague his handsome features. He wipes off his face, turning to slide off the bed. “Baby, c’mon.”
Sam grabs a cotton t-shirt, jerking it over his head furiously, his heavy breathing audible.
“Baby,” Brynn slips out of bed, adjusting her dress. “Talk to me,” she wraps her arms around his waist. “What’s wrong–?”
“You know damn well what’s wrong,” he grabs her hands, removing her arms away from his body.
“Sam,” she struggles to find words, “I–I don’t know. I thought–” she offers a sensual grin, “--I thought we were having a good timey-wimey, you being my cutesy-wootsy Boo-Bear–”
“That!” He roars. “What the fuck are you doing?” He grabs her shoulders, “Why would you even say something so abhorrent to me?” He lets go of her, storming to the bathroom. “Is this some kind of sick joke, or–”
“Sam,” her eyes begin to water. “I–I’m sorry, I–I–I don’t know what to say.” She slumps her shoulders, her a red flushing growing up her chest and neck. “I–I thought you would enjoy that, the baby talk and-and me calling you, well, you know–”
“Don’t!” Sam frantically screams, putting his hand up in front of her face. “For fuck’s sake, Brynn, what made you think that I’d–” he trails off, putting his hands on his hips. He shakes his head in disbelief. “Baby talk? Really?”
“I said I was sorry,” sniffles Brynn.
“And don’t even get me started on that disgusting pet name–”
“Wait,” Brynn stifles a sob. “You–you don’t like Boo-Bear?” Her eyebrows knit together with curiosity.
“No!” Sam snickers sardonically. “Why would you think that? I mean, for fuck’s sake, how, Brynn? How could you even think that? I fucking hated that name when that wench insisted in calling me that! Do you have any idea how hard it is to perform, being called that?” Sam begins to pace like a prowling lion, his anger evident with each step. “I thought everything was fine here,” he points to the bed, “I thought we were fine.”
“Oh my God,” Brynn mutters to herself, placing her palm against forehead. “Oh my God, Sam, I–I can’t believe this–”
“That makes two of us,” he crosses his arms across his chest.
“No, no, I mean, I was duped. I–I was led to believe that you like those things–that you enjoy those things. I–oh my God!” Brynn’s tone becomes gruffer, more irritated as her hands turn into fists.
“Who told you–?”
“Wait–” she holds her hand up, sniffing the air deeply. “Do you smell that?” She turns towards the door of the bedroom, sniffing deeply. “Do you smell smoke?”
Sam puts his hand on the door, ensuring it wasn’t hot. He sniffs, again. “Yeah, yeah I do. And actually–” he breathes in intently, “it smells like a cigar.”
Staring into each other’s eyes with a sense of panic growing inside of them, they simultaneously shout: “The boys!” Hurrying out of the master bedroom, they jog through the darkened penthouse, the earthy smoke smell growing stronger with each step they take until finally, they cross paths with a floating smoke ring in the air, coming from the living room.
Unexpectedly inhaling the smoke, Brynn begins to cough, crouching over to clear her lungs. Sam wafts at the fumes, trying to get a clearer view of where they were coming from. He finally reaches over the wall, flipping on the soft, ambient lighting of the room.
And their mouths drop in shock.
“Checkmate, mother fucker!”
With a smug grin on his face, Robin sits comfortably with his legs crossed in a wing-backed chair, smoking a meduro.
“You… you asshole!” Brynn lunges at Robin, only to be stopped by Sam. He instantly wraps his arms around her, urging her to calm down. “He’s the one!” She shouts. “You fucking used me!”
As Robin grins mischievously, Sam grows more concerned. “Wait, what do you mean ‘he used you’? And Robin,” he blows a raspberry, “what the fuck are you doing here so late?”
“And miss the show?”
“Fuck you!” Spits Brynn.
“So vulgar!” Robin jovially laughs to himself. “I personally enjoyed her with the baby talk myself.” He begins to applaud with his hands, “Marvelous performance, by the way.”
“Oh my God, I’m going to throw up,” Brynn whimpers into a scowl, crossing her arms. She turns towards her boyfriend. “He told me that you love baby talk, that you’ve made your past relationships call you that pet name–”
Both Sam and Robin interrupt her, holding up their hands. “No! Don’t say it!”
Brynn sighs, dropping her head into her hands. “God, I’m so embarrassed.”
“Robin?” Sam peers at his brother, completely dumbfounded. “Did you really–fuck!” He lets out a scream, pacing in frustration before returning his attention back on his brother. “Did you really do this? Did you really tell Brynn all of that horseshit?”
“Pretty clever, huh, Sammy?” Robin chuckles.
Brynn storms up to Robin, stealing his cigar. “Get the fuck out of my house!” she sneers.
“Or else what?” Robin pretends to be fearful. “Is Brynny Wynny going to punish me for being a naughty boy?”
In a sudden flash, Sam grabs Robin by the arm, manhandling him from the chair and pushing him towards the elevators. “Spare key. Now.” Sam holds out his stern hand, fighting the urge to pummel his younger brother.
“C’mon, Sammy,” Robin tries to reason, “this is your fault, too. You’re the one that gave me a fucking hard-on at work today. At least I helped you get some action–”
Sam shoves Robin against the wall, holding his forearm across his throat. He leans in close.. “Our prank wars are between us,” he snarls. “And for the record, I got action despite you.” Robin quickly drops his key into Sam’s other hand, causing Sam to let go. He roughly escorts his brother onto the elevator. “Enjoy your hand, little bro,” Sam pumps his hand in the air as if his fingers were wrapped around a phallic shape.
Once ensuring Robin was gone, Sam retreats back into the living room to find Brynn curled up on the couch. He quietly sits next to her, remaining silent as they both stare out the widow at the New York City skyline.
“Are you okay?” Sam gingerly whispers.
“I’ll be fine,” there’s a tremble in her voice as she hides the fact she is wiping away tears on her shirt.
“Brynn, I–” Sam senses her sadness, pulling her body onto his lap. “I’m so sorry this happened.” He nuzzles his nose into her cheek, naturally making her become unglued with tears.
She wraps her arms around his neck as he tightens his embrace around her. “I’m just so embarrassed–”
“Shhh, I know,” he consoles her, rubbing her back endearingly. “But, hey, it’s me,” he sweetly laces her hairline with kisses. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It was definitely, um–” he clears his throat, making Brynn slap playfully at his chest, “--but, I bet you we will laugh about this someday.”
“You think so?” Brynn smiles, wiping at her eyes.
“Yep, when we’re old and gray,” he snickers, squeezing her affectionately, “and I need one of those pills Robin took.” Sam and Brynn fall into a tizzy of laughter, holding tightly to each other in the dark.
“Dad! Brynn!”
All of a sudden around the corner, Mickey and Mason bound towards the couple on the couch. Sam rubs his hand down his face as the boys sleepily fall into his and Brynn’s lap.
“What are you two doing out of bed? It’s late.”
“Well, we wanted to make sure you and Brynn were okay,” quietly answers Mason. “We heard hollering voices.”
“Yeah,” interjects Mickey. “We weren’t sure if you needed help,” he flashes a concerned look to his brother before continuing, “or if it was a private, adult thing. You know–” he covers his mouth secretively, leaning in towards his father and his girlfriend to whisper. “--involving the f-word.”
Sam pinches the bridge of his nose, turning his attention to Brynn. “Do I even want to know?”
“Nope.” Completely unphased, Brynn is already shaking her head, staring at the twins. “After what just happened? Not even a little bit.”
After a few minutes of late night snuggles with the boys, the twins finally retreat back to their room, hand-in-hand with Brynn and Sam. They eagerly jump into their bunk bed, their eyes instantly becoming heavy with exhaustion.
“Love you, guys,” whispers Sam as he flips on their night light.
“Love you, too, Dad,” yawns Mason.
“G’night Brynn,” Mickey sweetly waves.
“Sweet dreams,” she softly singsongs.
Shutting the door, Sam wraps an arm around Brynn, guiding her slowly down the hallway. Once reaching his bedroom, he closes the door before engulfing Brynn in his strong embrace, tracing comforting circles down her back. After several moments of enjoying each other in silence, Sam presses his lips against the shell of her ear.
“Who’s ready to go night-night?”
Brynn giggles, stealing a kiss from his lips. “Sounds perfect.”
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@alexabeta @ao719 @charlotteg234 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @kat-tia801@khoicesbyk @lovelyladyk88 @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @peonierose @schnitzelbutterfingers @sfb123 @shannonwrote @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@choices-addict @rookiemartin
#the nanny affair#the nanny affair fanfic#the nanny affair fan fic#the nanny affair fanfiction#the nanny affair fan fiction#choices tna#choices tna fan fic#choices tna fanfic#choices tna fanfiction#sam dalton#m!sam dalton#sam dalton x mc#m!sam dalton x mc#robin flores#mickey dalton#mason dalton#mickey and mason#mickey and mason dalton
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It's that time of year again! Thank you to the creators who have shared their Top 5 creations of 2023 according to Tumblr note count. The Creator's Pick Top 5 will be posted this weekend! Links to all fics can be found below the break.
@aallotarenunelma ✒️
So This is Love (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros x M!elf!MC
Distant Light (BOLAS) - Tyril Starfury x F!elf!MC
Indigo Night (ID) - Cassius Harlow x NB!MC, NB!OC
Répondez, s'il vous plaît! 3 (ILS/ID) - Various Pairings
Sophomore Secret (ILITW) - Dan Pierce x F!MC, M!OC
@angelasscribbles ✒️
A Fervid Fixation (TRR) Ⓜ️ - Drake Walker x MC
In Your Room (TRR) Ⓜ️- Drake Walker x Leo Rys
The Dark Kingdom (TRR) Ⓜ️ - Various Pairings
Dark Elf (TRR) Ⓜ️- Various Pairings
Heir Apparent (TRR) Ⓜ️- Drake Walker x MC, Liam Rys
@baldwinboy5ive 🎨
Blades Coffee Shop AU (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros x MC
I Will Drag Him Back (BOLAS) - Tyril Starfury & Aerin Valleros
The Spray Bottle (BOLAS) - Imtura, Mal, Aerin
Aerin Instagram (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros
The Prison Visit (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros x MC
@cariantha ✒️
Accidental Valentine (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
If Only I Could (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Code Yellow (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
A Kiss on the Hand (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Daddy Distress (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@inlocusmads ✒️
Intro To Negotiation Science (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
A Strange & Sudden Companionship (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Cross Your Hearts & Set it Ablaze (COP) - Trystan Thorn x F!MC
Partner (Disambiguation) (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
New York, June 2014 (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
@jerzwriter ✒️
A Different Fate, Part 1 (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
What Happened in Vegas, Part 4 (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Abundance (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
The Perfect Gift (OH) - Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Take Me Out (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
@ladylamrian ✒️
Welcome to the World of Night (NB) - Nightbound MC
Bound by Fate (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
A Meeting in Wyoming (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
Wedding Proposal (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
OC Headcanons (NB)
@liaromancewriter ✒️
Every Day (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Summer Romance (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Beautiful Stranger (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Sleeping Beauty (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Something to Talk About (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@noesapphic ✒️
The Other Woman (D&D) - Roselyn Sinclaire, Ernest Sinclaire, Duke Richards
A Glimpse of Us (TRR/TRM) - Liam Rys & MC, Fabian Rys & MC
Barcelona | Prince Hamid (D&D) - Prince Hamid x MC
Worthy (TRR) Hana Lee x MC
The Cursed Heiress, Ch. 17 (D&D) - Mr. Sinclaire x F!OC
@peonierose ✒️
Losing Game - Part 1 (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!OC
Nightbound AU vs. Hänsel & Gretel, Part 3 (NB) - OCs
Nightbound AU vs. Hänsel & Gretel, Part 2 (NB) - Nik Rider, F!MC, OCs
Once, Part 2 (TNA/OH) - Sam Dalton x F!MC
Hau’oli la Heleui (OH) - Bryce Lahela, F!OC, Keiki Lahela
@storyofmychoices ✒️
Go On, Feel It! (BOLAS) - Mal Volari x F!MC
Our Future Doctor (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!OC
No Kissing! (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Dance With Me (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!MC
A Theif in the Gardens (BOLAS) - Mal Volari x F!MC
@tessa-liam ✒️
Memories (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
The Sacrifice (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
Regrets (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
Old Habits Die Hard (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
Turning the Page, Prologue (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
@trappedinfanfiction ✒️
Brunette (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Crossroads (OH) Ⓜ️ - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
A New Neighbor (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Midnight Talks (OH) - F!MC, Sienna Trinh
What's in a Name? (COP) - Trystan Thorne
@zealouscanonindeer ✒️
Together (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Company (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Locked In (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
20 Questions (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Long Overdue (OH) Ⓜ️- Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
#choices fic writers creations#tumblr top 5#playchoices#choices stories you play#blades of light and shadow#immortal desires#it lives anthology#the royal romance#open heart#crimes of passion#nightbound#desire and decorum#the nanny affair#choices fanfic#choices fanart#playchoices fanfic#playchoices fanart#long post
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